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In our own generation, another species of erudition is lauded erudition in the laws of matter which, in itself, is but one degree better. The study of matter for matter's sake is despicable; if any can turn that study to advance the ideal of life, it immediately becomes most valuable. But not without the human ideal.

Kendricks throw away his time upon her would be wicked, simply wicked. Let those people manage for themselves from this out. Of course you mustn't get them rooms at the Grand Union now, for he'd be seeing us there with them, and feel bound to pay her attention. You must try for them at the States, since the matter's been spoken of, or at Congress Hall. But there's no hurry.

And then people are talking of it now; the whole matter's been raked up again. And I thought, if you didn't know, you ought to." She remained silent, and he continued: "You see, it's only come out lately what a bad state Elwell's affairs were in.

But what matter's that, between friends? We've learned we can be the best o' friends. Our laddies learned that i' France, when Englishman and Scot, Yankee and Anzac, Canadian and Irishman and Welshman, broke the Hindenburg line together. We've the future o' the world, that those laddies saved, to think o' the noo.

Mordaunt lighted a cigarette Jim gave him and asked if his friends were staying long. "I don't know," said Jim. "We have made no plans yet, but I imagine I shall keep Langrigg." "Do you mean you had thought about selling the estate?" Mordaunt asked, rather sharply. "I did think about it, but don't know if I went much farther. The matter's complicated."

"That is to say," exclaimed one of the others, "that the Duke will betray all." "Not exactly," said Sir John Fenwick, with a grim smile. "We have taken care of that, and perhaps may compel the Duke to join us whether he likes it or not, when once the matter's done.

But mind, divil a penny of rint 'll ever go to Ballycloran agin from Drumleesh; for the matter's up now; you're either our frind or our inimy. But if, Mr.

Intelligence must be present." So it is the business of the spirit to bridle force, or matter's motion, mount the restless steed, and ride to a purpose! Shall we ever see the bits of that bridle? On the subject of material form, we find the following passage, which, while, perhaps, the most original in the book, is to us the least instructive:

No such green weather stains on Ahab's head! There's the difference now between man's old age and matter's. But aye, old mast, we both grow old together; sound in our hulls, though are we not, my ship? Aye, minus a leg, that's all. By heaven this dead wood has the better of my live flesh every way.

When the two were mounted, the son of the hunchback gained a more intimate knowledge of actual conditions than he had been able to glean at home. "Ther upshot of ther matter's this, Pete," declared Bas, earnestly. "Sam Opdyke lef' thet meetin' yestidday with his mind made up ter slay this man Thornton an' ther way things hev shaped up now, hit won't no fashion do.