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Some fifty or sixty of the guests came in on the same train, and Burnett and Clover met them all at the cars and made the majority comfortable in the different hotels and honored the minority with Aunt Mary’s hospitality. The day was gorgeous. The addition to the house was done and lined with white and decorated in gold.

Arethusa obeyed, and the authorities having seen fit to be uncommonly discreet as to the cause of the young man’s withdrawal, no great difficulty was experienced in finding another campus whereon Aunt Mary’s pride and joy might freely disport himself. Mr.

You know that I was always rather good in the part of the peacemaker." As she spoke, her eyes fell warningly on the manifest astonishment of Aunt Mary’s nephew. "You don’t know what you’re undertaking, Betty," said her brother. "You never had a chance to take Aunt Mary for better, for worse—I have." "I’m not alarmed," said she, "I’m very courageous. I’m sure I’ll succeed."

The packing of the trunk was a task which fell to Lucinda’s lot and was performed under the eagle eye of her mistress. Aunt Mary’s ideas of what she would require were delightfully unsophisticated and brought up short on the farther-side of her tooth brush and her rubbers. Nevertheless she agreed in Lucinda’s suggestions as to more extensive supplies.

It is one thing to undertake a task and another thing to persevere to its successful completion. Aunt Mary’s nephew was tiredvery tired. A little later he felt a weight against him; he looked; it was Aunt Mary’s head,—she was oblivious there on his bosom. He heard a voice; it was the parrot. "Now see what you’ve done," it said in sepulchral tones.

"You be a right smart young maverick not to get lost none on this long trail, and no one to p’int you right if you strayed," commented Mary’s patroness, affably. "But we won’t roominate here no longer than we can help. It’s too hard on old Ma’am Rodney. She’s just ’bout the color of withered cabbage now, ’long of me havin’ you." While she talked, Mrs.

"I haven’t had but two dinners before to-night." Clover smiled because he heard, and Aunt Mary smiled because she didn’t, but was happy anyway. She had altogether forgotten that she had demurred at dining out. They all sat down and shook out their napkins. Mitchell and Clover shook Aunt Mary’s for her and gave it a beautiful cornerways spread across her lap.

And as his steady gait was much quicker than poor Lucinda’s halting amble, and as he saw no occasion to alter it, the conversation between them dwindled into space then and there. Half an hour later Billy went out of the drive at a swinging pace and an hour after that Mr. Stebbins was brought captive to Aunt Mary’s throne.

"Sure," said Jack, suddenly become his blithe and buoyant self again. "You just take off your hat and look the other way, Mrs. Rosscott, and we’ll have you a lunch in a jiffy." In Aunt Mary’s part of the country the skies had been crying themselves sick for the last six weeks.

Oh, the pity of Fate which makes the apex of everything so very limited as to standing room! Three minutes after the presentation and acceptation of the photograph Aunt Mary’s glance became suddenly vague, and then especially piercing. "What makes this up and down feeling?" she asked Mitchell.