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Master Dacres, commend me to the lady, your mother; she and I have danced many a measure together in the old time, we all live again in our children. Good den to you, sirs. Marmaduke, follow me to the office, you lodge in the palace. You are gentleman to the most gracious and, if Warwick lives, to the most puissant of Europe's sovereigns.

So Marmaduke got down on his knees near the pile of presents and picked out one. It was one of his own not one for him but one he had bought for Mother. He couldn't wait to see that look he knew would come in her eyes. She opened it. It was a nice work-basket. "And my little boy bought it all with the pennies he saved.

"'Friends of the mammon of unrighteousness. That girl has even sanctified the German!" There was only one voice like that, only one person who would so speak himself out. Leslie Goldthwaite turned quickly, and found herself face to face with Marmaduke Wharne. "I am so glad you have come!" said she. He regarded her shrewdly. "Then you can do without me," he said.

Marmaduke? The man said, with as near a grin as he ever got, that the marster was gone to Mrs. Cornelys's assembly. As I turned away, sick at heart, the physician, in his tie-wig and scarlet cloak, came out, and I stopped him. He was a testy man, and struck the stone an impatient blow with his staff. "'Od's life, sir. I am besieged day and night by you young gentlemen.

To offend his generous employer, and to bring opprobrium and ridicule on himself which would of necessity redound against Sir Marmaduke also? Vague instinct still entered a feeble protest, but reason and common sense and a certain undetermined feeling of what was due to himself socially poor country bumpkin! fought a hard battle too.

Marmaduke had aught to say, there was an end to hope. She would have her coronet. But in that hour of darkness I counted upon my lady's spirit. Dr. Courtenay came to the assembly very late, with a new fashion of pinchbeck buckles on his pumps and a new manner of taking snuff.

But if frequent usage has something lessened their vitality, Marrion is a living and credible human being, whether as daughter of a supposed valet, adoring from afar the gay young ensign, or as the unacknowledged wife of Marmaduke and mother of his child, or later as an army nurse amid the horrors of Crimean mismanagement.

Nature, to say nothing of Madge's leechcraft, ultimately triumphed, and Marmaduke woke one morning in full possession of such understanding as Nature had endowed him with. He was then alone, and it was with much simple surprise that he turned his large hazel eyes from corner to corner of the unfamiliar room.

She was already launched upon that career. And rumour had it that Mr. Marmaduke was even then considering taking her home to London, where the stage was larger and the triumph greater. Was it surprising that the Gazette should contain a poem with the doctor's well-known ear-marks upon it? It set the town a-wagging, and left no room for doubt as to who had inspired it.

This is my eldest daughter, Isabel; and this soft-eyed, pale-cheeked damozel too loyal for a leaf of the red rose is the Lady Anne." The two girls had started from their father's arms at the first address to Marmaduke, and their countenances had relapsed from their caressing and childlike expression into all the stately demureness with which they had been brought up to regard a stranger.