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Betty's thoughts, however, had once more slipped away from her immediate neighbours, and were pursuing more exciting matters, the state of Madeleine Penley's heart and the wiles of that witch-woman in London, who must be somehow plucked like a burr from Ancoats's skirts, when Marcella entered the room, hat in hand. "Whither away, fair lady?" cried Betty; "come and talk to me."

Marcella, to whom her brother's romance was anything but an agreeable subject, the slight acquaintance she had with the modern Laura did not encourage her to hope for that lady's widowhood, gave no heed to the question. 'They are going to have a house at Budleigh Salterton; do you know of the place? Somewhere near the mouth of the Exe.

Mere chivalry, mere decent manners even, he thought, might have deterred a man from such an act. Meanwhile, in rapid flashes of thought he began to debate with himself how he should use this letter in his pocket this besmirching, degrading letter. But Marcella had much more to say. Presently she roused herself from her trance and looked at her husband.

"Mean thing she doesn't want me to have any," was her first thought which she dismissed a moment later as she remembered certain very distinct occasions when her aunt had been anything but mean, times when she had deliberately stayed away from a scanty meal that the others should have more little sacrifices that Marcella was only just beginning to understand.

You see, they had been looking for her. They had found pieces of her apron all along the path and across the meadow where Fido and the strange puppy dog had shaken them from Raggedy Ann. So they followed the brook until they found her. When Daddy fished Raggedy Ann from the water, Marcella hugged her so tightly to her breast the water ran from Raggedy Ann and dripped all over Marcella's apron.

Marcella made herself swallow some food and wine. Then she said that she wished to be alone and rest for an hour, and would come downstairs at nine o'clock. The maid, shocked by her pallor, was loth to leave her, but Marcella insisted. When she was left alone she drew herself up to the fire and tried hard to get warm, as she had tried to eat.

"And for twenty-two years she has lived a wonderful life here," said Marcella; "she has been practically the queen of a whole countryside, doing whatever she pleased, the mother and friend and saint of everybody. It has been all very paternal and beautiful, and abominably Tory and tyrannous! Many people, I suppose, think it perfect. Perhaps I don't.

Marcella went; and my mother-in-law soon disappeared in the forest, taking a direction quite contrary to that in which the cottage stood, and leaving my father and I, as it were, between her and Marcella. "About an hour afterwards we were startled by shrieks from the cottage evidently the shrieks of little Marcella. `Marcella has burnt herself, father, said I, throwing down my spade.

Marcella treated him to one of her scowls that astonished him, and suddenly, setting his teeth, Louis put down his glass, took her arm roughly and, striding along blindly, made forrard. Until they got into the privacy of the fo'c'sle neither spoke.

But I gather that some years ago when I was still a lad something in Mr. Boyce's life some financial matters, I believe during the time that he was member of Parliament, made a scandal, and especially among his family and old friends. It was the effect upon his old father, I think, who, as you know, died soon afterwards " Marcella started. "I didn't know," she said quickly.