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"Dear, beautiful angel, you will help me?" Manella pleaded "You will help me to be his wife?" And Morgana answered with pitiful tenderness. "I will!" And with a sign to Lady Kingswood to come nearer and sit by the girl as she lay among her pillows more or less exhausted, she herself left the room.

You remind me of that butterfly." Morgana smiled. "Did it fly away?" "Oh, yes. Very soon! And an hour or so after it had flown, the scarlet flower where it had rested was dead." "Most thrilling!" And Morgana gave a little yawn. "Is that breakfast? Yes? Stay with me while I have it! Are you the head chambermaid at the Plaza?" Manella shrugged her shoulders. "I do not know what I am!

"She might be either" and Manella gazed dreamily at the darkening sky "There is nobody old nowadays or so it seems to me." "An invalid?" "I don't think so. She looks quite well. She arrived at the Plaza only yesterday." "Ah! Well, good-night, Manella!

Morgana slid off the edge of her bed and stood upright, her white silk nightgown falling symmetrically round her small figure. With a dexterous movement she loosened the knot into which she had twisted her hair for the night, and it fell in a sinuous coil like a golden snake from head to knee. Manella stepped back in amazement. "Oh!" she cried "How beautiful!

I am conscious of a certain barbaric spirit of curiosity, like that of a savage who sees a photograph of himself for the first time! Yes! I want to know what the modern feminine said to the primitive!" Manella gave an impatient gesture. "I do not understand all your fine words" she said "But I will answer you.

Germany would make me a millionaire twice over for the monopoly of such a force! that is, if I wanted to be a millionaire, which I don't. But Gwent's a fool I must have scared him out of his wits, or he wouldn't write all this stuff about risks to my life, advising me to marry quickly and settle down! Good God! I? Marry and settle down? What a tame ending to a life's adventure! Hello, Manella!"

And while his thoughts thus buzzed in his head like swarming bees, Manella stood regarding him in a kind of pitiful questioning like a child with a broken toy who can not understand "why" it is broken. As he did not speak at once she took up the thread of conversation. "You see how it is no use," she said.

I know what you would say!" she exclaimed, "That I might bring shame to him by my companionship always yes! that is possible! wicked people would talk of him and judge him wrongly " "Oh, Manella, dear!" murmured Morgana "Not him not him but YOU!" "Me?" She tossed back her wealth of hair, and smiled "What am I? Just a bit of dust in his path! I am nothing at all!

For instance, he maintained that women had neither attraction nor interest for him yet he found himself singularly displeased when after two or three days of utter solitude, and when he was rather eagerly expecting Manella to arrive with the new milk which was his staple food, a lanky, red-haired ugly boy appeared instead of her a boy who slouched along, swinging the milk pail in one hand and clutching a half-munched slice of pine-apple in the other.

"Hush, hush Manella!" he said, with a mild kindness, which in her overwrought state was more distracting than angry words would have been "Hush! You talk foolishness beautiful foolishness all women do when they set their fancies on men. It is nature, of course, YOU think it is love, but, my dear girl, there is no such thing as love!