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"It's Bull Malvey," said one of the deputies as the match flickered out. "I knew him in Phoenix." "Heard of him. He was a wild one," said another deputy. "Comin' and goin'! One of The Spider's bunch, and a hoss-thief right! I reckon we done a good job." "He went for his gun," said the chief. "We had him covered from the start," asserted a deputy. "He sure won't steal no more hosses."

Riding beside him across the southern desert, Young Pete could not help noticing Malvey's hands huge-knuckled and freckled and Pete surmised correctly that this man was not quick with a gun. Pete also noticed that Malvey "roughed" his horse unnecessarily; that he was a good rider, but a poor horseman. Pete wondered that desert life had not taught Malvey to take better care of his horse.

Beyond him, Boca and her mother were pulling beans. Pete stepped out dizzily and glanced toward the corral. His horse was not there. The fact was that Malvey had been only too sincere in his boorishness toward Boca; Flores equally sincere in his indifference, and Boca herself actually frightened by the turn Malvey's drink had taken.

When Flores discovered his best horse gone, there would be no evidence that would entangle her or her mother in wordy argument with him for having helped the young vaquero to leave and against the direct commands of The Spider, who had sent word to Flores through Malvey that Pete was to remain at the rancho till sent for. At the top of the cañon trail Pete reined in and tried to get his bearings.

If you got friends coming friends that are suffering to see you why, you ain't here when they come. And you ain't been here. If nobody is following your smoke, why, take your time." "I'll be takin' my hoss when he gits done feedin'," stated Pete. The Spider nodded approval. Showdown had troubles of its own. "Malvey, did you say you were riding south?" "Uh-huh."

"No, it ain't Malvey," said The Spider, as Pete answered his abrupt summons. "Here, take a drink while I talk. Keep your eye on the front. Don't move your hands off the bar, for there's three men out there, afoot, just beyond the hitching-rail. There was five, a minute ago. I figure two of 'em have gone round to the back. Go ahead drink a little, and set your glass down, natural.

He was far from nervous. This was proven to The Spider's satisfaction when Malvey entered "Bull" Malvey, red-headed, bluff and huge, of a gaunt frame, with large-knuckled hands and big feet.

The Spider's plan was simple, and his instructions to Malvey brief. While Pete saddled his horse, The Spider talked with Malvey. "Take him south to Flores's rancho. Tell Flores he is a friend of mine. When you get a chance, take his horse, and fan it over to Blake's. Leave the horse there. I want you to set him afoot at Flores's. When I'm ready, I'll send for him." "What do I git out of it?"