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People living under the equator distill the saccharine product of the sugar-cane for aguardiente. The German combines his malt and hops to produce beer. The Frenchman depends upon the juice of the grape in various forms, from light claret to fierce Bordeaux brandy. The Puritans of Massachusetts distilled New England rum from molasses.

When you cleanse, do it by a Cock from your Tun, placed six Inches from the Bottom, to the end that most of the Sediment may be left behind, which may be thrown on your Malt to mend your Small Beer.

"She's gone to play poker with that man from Marseilles," remarked Mrs. Malt. "Really, husband, I don't know " "You able to put a limit on the game?" asked poppa. Everybody laughed, and Mr.

My hearers! there are amongst you drunken men and drunken women. Very well. The men are unwholesome. The women are hideous. You have all sorts of excellent reasons for stowing yourselves away here on the benches of the pothouse want of work, idleness, the spare time between two robberies, porter, ale, stout, malt, brandy, gin, and the attraction of one sex for the other. What could be better?

By-and-by the flavour grows upon the palate; and now beware, for if a small quantity be thrown upon the fire it will blaze up with a blue flame like pure alcohol. That dark vinous-looking ale is full of the strength of malt and hops; it is the brandy of the barley. The unwary find their heads curiously queer before they have partaken, as it seems to them, of a couple of glasses.

Now there is something in this ale which ought not to be. What is it made of?" "Malt and hop." "It tastes very bitter," said I. "Is there no chwerwlys in it?" "I do not know what chwerwlys is," said the old woman. "It is what the Saxons call wormwood," said I. "Oh, wermod. No, there is no wermod in my beer, at least not much." "Oh, then there is some; I thought there was.

In the porter brewery, therefore, the different taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, amount to between twenty-six and thirty shillings upon the produce of a quarter of malt. In the country brewery for common country sale, a quarter of malt is seldom brewed into less than two barrels of strong, and one barrel of small beer; frequently into two barrels and a-half of strong beer.

She was free of his taste in music now had been for a year and a half. At Brattleboro, he turned off the highway, rented a motel room, and walked into town. He found a brew pub where he sat at a corner table with a pint of ruby brown ale cool and fresh, the malt veiled with lacy astringent hops.

Beer that is brewed and drunk at home, is more pure and nutricious than what is generally purchased at an alehouse; and those who cannot afford a better article, may perhaps find it convenient to adopt the following method for obtaining some cheap drink for small families. To half a bushel of malt, add four pounds of treacle, and three quarters of a pound of hops.

In being deprived of the opportunity of swindling us, they feel that they've been done themselves." "Oh," said Mr. Malt, "we never reveal it for twenty-four hours. That fellow must have smelled 'em on us. Now, how were you proposing to spend the day?" "We're going to the Forum," remarked Emmeline. "Do come with us, Mr. Wick. We should love to have you."