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I was very cordial. I like him very much. He has great talent and great courage. The dinner was a very merry one, although we are all threatened with incarceration in a Prussian fortress if Paris is captured. After Guernsey, Spandau. So be it. I bought for 19 francs at the Magasins du Louvre a soldier's cape with hood, to wear on the ramparts. My house continues to be crowded with visitors.

The wicket gate near the riding-school was used almost exclusively by the servants of the palace, to whom it gave access to that maze of nameless streets, dingy, tumble-down houses, and squalid shops that was known as the Magasins. Here it was that the waiting-woman and the lackey stole forth to meet their lovers.

"I know him well I do," said he, looking at the lost child; "he belongs in our part of the town." "What part is it?" "Yonder, on the other side of the Boulevards Rue des Magasins." "And you have seen him before?" "Yes, yes! he belongs to the great house at the end of the street, where there is an iron gate with gilt points." The child quickly raised his head, and stopped crying.

It seemed an interminable distance through the unpleasant streets, but when at last they reached the Magasins du Louvre and drew up to the entrance Elise gave a delighted cry, and said: "Oh, there's our car, and Jules in it!" The car was across the street, and the chauffeur sat with his arms folded, in an attitude of patient waiting.

These words, and a flood of more in the same direction, came as hot protest against any visit to the Magasins du Louvre, an enormous establishment of the same order as the Bon Marché, but slightly higher in price, where hundreds are employed as saleswomen, and where, side by side with the most expensive productions of French skill, are to be found the occasions, the bargains in which the foreigner delights even more than the native.

The majority belonged to the class bourgeois; but there were many countesses, there were the daughters of two generals and of several colonels, captains, and government EMPLOYES; these ladies sat side by side with young females destined to be demoiselles de magasins, and with some Flamandes, genuine aborigines of the country.

At last Patty said in a low voice: "It's horrid, Elise, and I'm truly sorry I insisted on coming. Shall we ask the man to go back?" "Yes," said Elise; "that is, if you think best. But I hate to go any farther in this horrid quarter." So Patty explained to the driver that they had concluded not to go to the perfumer's that day, and directed him to take them back to the Magasins du Louvre.

Yes, it was even so! Five hundred million dollars! No more and no less! Then he once more took up the thread of his narrative. Tessier's lands, originally farms, were to-day occupied by huge magasins, government buildings, palaces and hotels. He had been a frugal, hardworking, far-seeing man of affairs whose money had doubled itself year by year.

If an Englishwoman enters a glover's, or shoemaker's shop, these worthies will only shew her the largest gloves or shoes they have in their magasins, so persuaded are they that she cannot have a small hand or foot; and when they find their wares too large, and are compelled to search for the smallest size, they seem discomposed as well as surprised, and inform the lady that they had no notion "une dame anglaise could want small gloves or shoes."

"I know him well I do," said he, looking at the lost child; "he belongs in our part of the town." "What part is it?" "Yonder, on the other side of the Boulevards Rue des Magasins." "And you have seen him before?" "Yes, yes! he belongs to the great house at the end of the street, where there is an iron gate with gilt points." The child quickly raised his head, and stopped crying.