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The story of the plucky young chap won his way to the heart of the publishers, under a silk cotton tree, 'neath bright southern skies, and made such a friend of him that through the years of its book-life it has been the object of special attention. Mr. George Doran gave me a photograph which Mr. Horace MacFarland made of Mr.

"Make all checks payable to William Trubus, President, and on out-of-town checks kindly add clearing-house fee. "'Charity shall cover the multitude of sins." I Peter, iv. 8. "Yours for the glory of the Cause, "WILLIAM TRUBUS, "President, The Purity League of N. Y." As Officer Burke finished the letter he looked quizzically at Dr. MacFarland. "How large was your check, doctor?"

I am very glad, however, that you had an opportunity of reading a copy of General Grant's letter of the 20th inst. to me, which I left with Mr. Macfarland for that purpose, and also that he might show it to other officers of the Army of Northern Virginia in my condition.

"Not having a good time, eh?" Charley looked up into the smiling face of Barney MacFarland, the second engineer. "Hello!" he exclaimed. "I didn't know anybody was around. I didn't hear you." "Having a rotten time?" Barney grinned good-naturedly. "The worst I've ever had!" said Charley. "It's too cold to stay on deck and too close and smelly inside, and there's no one to talk with. Mr.

As Barton finished his writing, handing the envelope to Burke, the younger man decided to take a little initiative of his own. "It's late, Mr. Barton. I have had a pleasant evening, and I hope I may have many more. But you know I promised Doctor MacFarland, the police surgeon, that I would go to bed early on the days when I was off duty. So I had better be getting back down town."

He was in the habit of wearing a threadbare macfarland, frayed at the edges, a large, dirty handkerchief tied around his throat, and a soft, yellow, grimy slouch hat. His daughter, Milagros by name, a slender lass as sleek as a bird, had relations with Leandro, Manual's cousin. The sweethearts had plenty of love quarrels, now because of her flirtations, now because of the evil life he led.

MacFarland, and made short excursions to the nearby forests and streams, and studied the rate of growth of the different species of trees and their age, counting the annual rings on stumps in the large clearings made by the military when the fort was occupied, causing wondering speculation among the Wrangell folk, as was reported by Mr. Vanderbilt. "What can the fellow be up to?" they inquired.

Captain MacFarland released the wheel long enough to give his leg a roguish slap. "You old fat rascal!" he chuckled, with a wink. "Mac, you're a fool," said J. Pinkney Bloom, coldly. He went back and joined the Blaylocks, where he sat, less talkative, with that straight furrow between his brows that always stood as a signal of schemes being shaped within.

Then, should such a condition ever be accepted by society in general, we will do away with the present kind of social evil to have a tidal wave of lust." Bobbie listened with interest. It was evident that Doctor MacFarland was opening up a subject close to his heart. The old man's eyes sparkled as he continued. "You asked about the traffic in women, as we hear of it in New York.