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I stepped through the window and handed the letter to Dermott, who was falling into line for a fresh game just outside. "That envelope looks terribly official," said Dolly. "What does it all mean?" "I expect it means Aldershot," said Dermott ruefully. "However, I shan't open it till lunch-time."

She never knew how long she sate there, but it was long past lunch-time when once again she stole up to her room. The door opposite was open wide, Cynthia had quitted the chamber. Molly arranged her dress and went down into the drawing-room. Cynthia and her mother sate there in the stern repose of an armed neutrality.

As she remained silent, he added in a tone of relief, "There, that's settled! You go up to bed now. I'll be off early in the morning, and we'll have a cook back by lunch-time." "Indeed you won't!" She faced him squarely. "I know you mean very kindly, Godfrey I know exactly how you feel. I've often felt like that myself; you feel that "'Sympathy without relief Is like mustard without beef.

All the morning Liza worked in a dead-and-alive sort of fashion, her head like a piece of lead with electric shocks going through it when she moved, and her tongue and mouth hot and dry. At last lunch-time came. 'Come on, Sal, said Liza, 'I'm goin' to 'ave a glass o' bitter. I can't stand this no longer. So they entered the public-house opposite, and in one draught finished their pots.

Then the clerk next him would slyly turn the blotting-paper over, and Jamie would grasp the letter and crowd it into his pocket, and his face would gleam again. Otherwise he let it go till lunch-time, and then, they felt sure, took no lunch; for he would never read her letters when any one was looking on. They all knew who she was. It was the joke of years at the Old Colony Bank.

But she could not stay there, and must needs wander restlessly about the gardens, plucking flowers and listlessly watching the gardeners at their work. Lunch-time found this young woman in a slightly irritable frame of mind. The cause direct and indirect was Mr. Stocks, who had found her alone, and had saddled her with his company for the space of an hour and a half.

He was always talking about it. Well, I should like to see what he would have made of it!" As the clock struck five Rainham looked up with an air of relief, flipping negligently across the table the heap of papers which had occupied him since lunch-time. "We must go into this some other time, Bullen," he remarked with a certain petulance.

At lunch-time I stopped in at a large dry-goods store to attend to my wife's commission. I saw a well-dressed man walking the floor between the counters, where long lines of girls were waiting on much longer lines of customers, and asked him where I could see some red calico. "This way, sir," and he led me up the store. "Miss Stone," said he to a young lady, "show this gentleman some red calico."

"The best thing you can do is to rest till lunch-time. Then start out after lunch and hunt a job. I'll go with you." "But I've got a job," said Mildred. "That's what's the matter." Agnes Belloc's jaw dropped and her rather heavy eyebrows shot up toward the low sweeping line of her auburn hair. She made such a ludicrous face that Mildred laughed outright. Said she: "It's quite time.

There is something patriarchal and princely about such a house, almost unknown in our businesses at home from the portraits of the founders, from the caskmakers, at lunch-time, broiling their own fish over a huge fireplace and drawing wine from the common cask as they have done for generations; the stencils in the shipping-room "Baltimore," "Bogota," "Buenos Aires," "Chicago," "Calcutta," "Christiania," "Caracas" from things like these to the personality and point of view of the men who have the business in charge.