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Three Rangers were dead, one seriously injured, and over a third of the ruling nobles, some with their heirs, had been killed along with approximately a quarter of the top-ranking planet-based military and Admin Service officers. Once the full extent of the disaster was assessed, Rangers Medart and Losinj were reassigned, to separate missions.

Corina managed as much of a polite bow as she could. "Greetings, Major Dawson. I am Corina Losinj, until today a student of High Adept Thark. Entos was trying to kill me before I could report treason against the Empire, in the form of a rebellion by the White Order. Thark is leading it himself." Dawson's expression looked to Corina like a combination of astonishment and disbelief. "Rebellion?

If you wish, I will give them your soul-blade." "I am not yet dead," Corina said, caressing the dagger's hilt. She turned and left. "No," Thark said softly, watching her leave. "Not yet." As soon as she was out of sight, he mindcalled his lieutenant. *Valla? I have a job for you.* *Yes?* came the calm reply. *Corina Losinj must be eliminated.

It is vitally important that no warnings be given. Since Losinj got no details of the Crusade from me, any alert that Medart puts out will have to be a general one. Losinj may be able to make some guesses, since she does know me, but the Empire will not dare depend on those.

All three waited silently until the door slid open again, to admit the Sanctioner chief. He wasted no time getting to the point. "You have no right to interfere in purely planetary matters," he said. "I must require the return of Losinj and Entos." "You're wrong on two counts," Medart said coldly.

He raised one eyebrow in surprise at the sight of Corina's badge, but went through the routine of relieving Jensen before he said anything. Change of watch completed, he seated himself in the Command chair and turned to face the pair. "He talked you into it, did he, Ranger Losinj?" The words were neutral, but the tone was warm. "Knowing Rangers, I suppose he's put you in charge of this mission."

"A wrist-com, then, until we complete this mission." The screen was flickering blue even as they entered the human Ranger's cabin, then it cleared to show a sleepy-looking Davis. "Morning, Jim. What's up?" "Sorry to wake you, sir, but for a change it's good news. We have another Ranger." Davis smiled. "Losinj? That's the kind of news I don't mind getting out of bed for.

A ripple of disturbance moved through the assembled Irschchans. Most of what Thark could pick out were expressions of disbelief that anyone with Talent could do such a monstrous thing. Valla's clear voice penetrated the disturbance, silencing the Seniors. "So Losinj escaped both the Sanctioners and Entos." There were more expressions of disbelief, stronger this time. Thark silenced them.

"Yes, Ranger Losinj?" "What time is it? What is happening?" The announcement left no doubt, but she wanted details. "It is 0230, sir. The Prowler requested clearance for Sydney Spaceport, but is on course for the Palace Complex instead. Defsat Five estimates their arrival there in fifteen minutes." "Blades!" Corina ignored the ship's "I beg your pardon, Ranger?", and sent a hurried thought. *Jim?*

He bowed his head, acknowledging her authority but there was one thing he still had to find out. "You have taught the use of Talent, Ranger Losinj, which should have increased your own ability. May I test, to find if it has had the effect I believed it would?" Corina inclined her head. "You may, Master but my new position demands I take precautions. Lieutenant DarLeras." "Yes, sir?"