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Her unbalanced temperament had been unable to bear the strain of sitting there and listening to Mr. Walters' cold inexorable construction of a legal chain of evidence against her lover. She rose to her feet, shrieking wildly, and gesticulating menacingly at Mr. Walters. The Society ladies turned eagerly in their seats to take in through their lorgnons every detail of the interruption.

Keith found, on his arrival in the drawing-room, that the house was full of company, a sort of house-party assembled for the hunting. Suddenly there was a stir, followed by a hush in the conversation, and monocles and lorgnons went up. "Here she comes," said a man near Keith. "Who is she?" asked a thin woman with ugly hands, dropping her monocle with the air of a man.

Effie, after a period of futile glaring at her through the lorgnons, seemed to make their resolves simultaneously, and forthwith themselves lighted cigarettes. "Of course it's done in the smart English restaurants," murmured Belknap-Jackson as he assisted the ladies to their lights. Thereupon Mrs.

The Countess of Chell, who was standing in the road, raised her lorgnon, which was attached to the end of a tortoiseshell pole about a foot long, and regarded Denry. This lorgnon was a new device of hers, and it was already having the happy effect of increasing the sale of long-handled lorgnons throughout the Five Towns. "Oh! it's you, is it?" said the Countess. "I see you've grown a beard."

He has become very good looking, the ladies lift their lorgnons at him, and it depends only on him to attain the dignity of a negro "giraffier," but he loves, he is engaged, he has four years to wait, to work to make himself a position, and he has made a vow. You would tell him that he is stupid, I preach to him, on the contrary, my old troubadour doctrine.

I saw more than one matron of the North Side set stiffen in her seat, while Mrs. Belknap-Jackson and Mrs. Effie turned upon her the chilling broadside of their lorgnons. Belknap-Jackson merely drew himself up austerely. The three other women of her party, flutterers rather, did little but set off their hostess.

Carlotta burst out crying in the midst of the promenade. The tears did not romantically come into her eyes as they had done an hour before; but she wept copiously, after the unrestrained manner of children, and used her pocket-handkerchief. From their seats women put up their lorgnons to look at her, passers-by turned round and stared.

As for Belknap-Jackson, I had never beheld him more truly vogue in every detail, and his slightly austere manner in any Red Gap gathering had never set him better. Both Mrs. Belknap-Jackson and Mrs. Effie wielded their lorgnons upon the later comers, thus giving their table quite an air. Mrs.

He stared at me through his lorgnons as though I had been some queer, new bird, and, says he, 'Lud! says he, there's a world o' harmless sport in you yet, Sir Lupus, but you don't spell your title right, says he. 'Change the a to an o and add an ell for good measure, and there you have it, says he, a-drawling.

They both put up their lorgnons and gave her a swift glance. "You mean " She nodded over toward Mrs. Wentworth. "Yes." "Why, she would not allow him to. She has not a cent in the world. Her mother has spent every dollar her husband left her, trying to get her off." "Yes; but she has spent it to good purpose. They are old friends. Mrs. Wentworth does not care for money. She has all she needs.