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He looked at her, then looked away again, as if he took no notice of her. But as a matter of fact, she interested him deeply. 'Isn't it interesting, Prune, said Ursula, turning to her sister, 'Herr Loerke is doing a great frieze for a factory in Cologne, for the outside, the street.

At least, it was time for her now to pass over to the other, the creature, the final craftsman. She knew that Loerke, in his innermost soul, was detached from everything, for him there was neither heaven nor earth nor hell. He admitted no allegiance, he gave no adherence anywhere. He was single and, by abstraction from the rest, absolute in himself.

'I will ask anybody else, she said, with some difficulty 'but not him. Loerke looked closely at her. 'Good, he said. 'Then let it be somebody else. Only don't go back to that England, that school. No, that is stupid. Again there was a pause. He was afraid to ask her outright to go with him, he was not even quite sure he wanted her; and she was afraid to be asked.

'All gone! he said. To Gerald, the smallish, odd figure of the German was distinct and objective, as if seen through field glasses. And he disliked the small figure exceedingly, he wanted it removed. Then Loerke rattled the box which held the biscuits. 'Biscuits there are still, he said. And reaching from his seated posture in the sledge, he handed them to Gudrun. She fumbled, and took one.

It acquired the name of the great "Loerke" "Peter Jensen's Loerke." There is no word that corresponds with it in English. But this time was passed, and it had lain long neglected in a corner. It did not know whether it was on the voyage out or homewards; for it had never been on shore anywhere.

In the morning, however, he looked at her with a little aversion, some horror and some hatred darkening into his eyes. She withdrew on to her old ground. But still he would not gather himself together, against her. Loerke was waiting for her now. The little artist, isolated in his own complete envelope, felt that here at last was a woman from whom he could get something.

Then suddenly, he elevated the battle gallantly in the air, a strange, grotesque figure leaning towards Gudrun, and said: 'Gnadiges Fraulein, he said, 'wohl There was a crack, the bottle was flying, Loerke had started back, the three stood quivering in violent emotion. Loerke turned to Gerald, a devilish leer on his bright-skinned face. 'Well done! he said, in a satirical demoniac frenzy.

They both watched Gudrun go along the landing by the railing upstairs. 'Ein schones Frauenzimmer, said the Professor. 'Ja! asserted Loerke, shortly. Gerald walked with his queer, long wolf-steps across the bedroom to the window, stooped and looked out, then rose again, and turned to Gudrun, his eyes sharp with an abstract smile.

Loerke knew a secret beyond these things. The greatest power is the one that is subtle and adjusts itself, not one which blindly attacks. And he, Loerke, had understanding where Gerald was a calf. He, Loerke, could penetrate into depths far out of Gerald's knowledge. Gerald was left behind like a postulant in the ante-room of this temple of mysteries, this woman.

Leitner hated Loerke with an injured, writhing, impotent hatred, and Loerke treated Leitner with a fine-quivering contempt and sarcasm. Soon the two would have to go apart. Already they were rarely together. Leitner ran attaching himself to somebody or other, always deferring, Loerke was a good deal alone.