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But "love laughs at locksmiths" and finds its way through locked doors, and Antinous succeeded all the same in finding his way into Paulina's garden. On one of these occasions he was so happy to surprise Selene, as, supported on a stick and accompanied by a fair-haired boy and dame Hannah herself, she hobbled up and down.

The doctress would never have yielded. She visits, and prescribes, and laughs at the law, as love is said to laugh at locksmiths. To be sure, in this country, a law is no law, when it has no foundation in justice, morality, or public policy. Happy in her position, and in her friends, she now reviews past events with the candor of a mind that loves truth sincerely.

"Does it work?" interjected Lewisham, speaking for the first time. "What work?" "The pure and simple old theory. I know the theory. I believe in the theory. Bletherley's Shelley-witted. But it's theory. You meet the inevitable girl. The theory says you may meet her anywhen. You meet too young. You fall in love. You marry in spite of obstacles. Love laughs at locksmiths. You have children.

On the sixth of May, Maroney mailed a letter, which the "shadow" discovered was directed to "William M. Carter, Locksmith, William st., N. Y." A note was taken of this, and as soon as possible Bangs left for New York, to interview Mr. Carter. He found that Carter was one of the best locksmiths in the city, and inclined to be a good fellow.

Above all things I do not want fame before I have earned it. To my mind, the best means of winning credit is not to play into the hands of contractors, but to get at good effects cheaply." "With such ideas, young man," said Birotteau in a patronizing tone, "you will succeed." "Therefore," resumed Grindot, "employ the masons, painters, locksmiths, carpenters, and upholsterers yourself.

"You forget that 'love laughs at locksmiths," said the cavalier. At the door of their apartments, the old man, before bidding them good night, pausing, said, "Pardon me, signor, but I would fain know the name of the noble cavalier I have had the honor of serving to-night." "You shall know to-morrow," replied the mask. "Buona notte, Beppo. Remember it's carnival time."

It appeared that all plumbers, locksmiths, and similar indispensable and free-born artisans had closed shop at noon and would not reopen until after New Year's, subject to the Constitution of the United States. "But this gentleman cannot remain here until after New Year's," said Sacharissa. "He says he is in a hurry. Do you hear, Sparks?" The servants stood in a helpless row.

The lovers were admonished by the privy council and dismissed. But love laughs at privy councils, as well as at locksmiths. This time the Lady Arabella was not to be hindered. She and Seymour were secretly married, without regard to "his Majesty's most gracious favor," and enjoyed a short period of connubial bliss in defiance of king and council.

The mother walked to her place, set her pails on the ground, and wiping the perspiration from her face looked around her. The Gusev brothers, the locksmiths, instantly came up to her, and the older of them, Vasily, asked aloud, knitting his eyebrows: "Got any pirogs?" "I'll bring them to-morrow," she answered. This was the password agreed upon. The faces of the brothers brightened.

"But we must remember that lost arts often are monuments of human progress, indicating outgrown limitations and necessities, to which they ministered. It is because we have no more thieves that we have no more locksmiths.