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Most of the men were away at work, some in Monopoly or Economy, whither they went in the early morning in their tin Lizzies to a little store or a country bank, or a dusty law office; some in the fields of the fertile valley; and others off behind the thick willow fringe where lurked the home industries of tanning and canning and knitting, with a plush mill higher up the slope behind a group of alders and beeches, its ugly stone chimneys picturesque against the mountain, but doing its best to spoil the little stream at its feet with all colors of the rainbow, at intervals dyeing its bright waters.

At which the miner's pride burst bounds. "I'll kindly ask you to note the shirt ten dollars a copy, that's all! I got it from the little Jew down yonder. See them red spear-heads on the boosum? 'Flower dee Lizzies, which means 'calla lilies' in French. Every one of 'em cost me four bits. On the level how am I?" "I never see no harness jus' lak it mese'f!" exclaimed Doret.

Whether there were any Lizzies in the early Christian Church must be considered very doubtful, very doubtful. Miss Peecher was exceedingly sage here. 'Speaking correctly, we say, then, that Hexam's sister is called Lizzie; not that she is named so. Do we not, Mary Anne? 'We do, Miss Peecher.

Some of the girls and young women were exceedingly pretty; the men were not so attractive, but the boys were good-looking youngsters. The young ladies were exceedingly talkative; they called the camels emus, or, as they pronounced it, immu. Several of these girls declared their intention of coming with us. There were Annies, and Lizzies, Lauras, and Kittys, and Judys, by the dozen.

It did not sound American enough, for there were Lizzies or Lizas in Europe, too. Any "greenhorn" might bear such a name. So she called on Lizzie's principal and asked her to suggest some "nicer name" for her daughter "I want a real American one," she said The principal submitted half a dozen names beginning with "L," and the result was that Lizzie became Lucy

But these damned lizzies can beat us to it now the old burro-man is too slow." "But crossing the sand, Charley, you've got us there; and climbing up these rocky washes. I've got a good machine it'll take me most anywhere but when it comes to crossing Death Valley, give me some burros and old Uncle Charley." He slapped him on the back and Uncle Charley smiled doubtfully and took another drink.

Such things were sometimes hard to bear and often grievously did Miss Mathilda feel herself a rebel with the cheerful Lizzies, the melancholy Mollies, the rough old Katies and the stupid Sallies. Miss Mathilda had other troubles too, with the good Anna.

She is the best of women; and, as she is your dear friend, nothing is further from me than any idea of quarrelling with her; but of course she takes her son's part, and I hardly know how all allusion to the subject could be avoided. This, however, dearest, need ruffle no feather between you and me, who love each other better than we love either the Fawns or the Lizzies.