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"I have scandalized Misè, and to-morrow I shall have to listen to a lecture," he said; and in a moment continued: "It is not easy to make our Provençaux realize how closely we are linked to older peoples and to older times.

He would not write at all if he could find any easier and pleasanter way of making money. There was no use saying that to Mrs. Ascher. All I could do when she asked me to appeal to Gorman's artistic soul was to shake my head. I shook it as decisively as I could. "And my husband will listen to you," she said. "My dear lady! wouldn't he be much more likely to listen to you?"

"Yes," she said in great agitation "and that's very good of you. But there are some things you. must remember " "You you let me embrace you, Miss Gladys! You let me think of you so! Why, what is a man to do? What was I to make of it? I had never loved a woman before. And you you led me on " "Samuel, you must not talk like this!" she broke in. "I can't listen to you.

"I've got something I want to talk over with you, and I really can't talk to a door banged in my face." "I'm so sorry," she said meekly; "I'm afraid I'm almost too exhausted to talk, but I'll try to listen to what you have to say." "Thanks," said Winn. He paused as if, after all, it wasn't easy to begin, even in the face of this responsiveness. She thought he looked rather odd.

"Would you expect me ever to love any one else if I had promised to love you?" "You would not. You would keep your promise. I should trust you with my life." "Ah, then, you have your answer! You expect me to keep my promises to you, but to no one else. Is that the honourable thing? Now, listen to me, Mr. Franklin. I shall keep my promise as a Beauchamp should as a Beauchamp shall.

I don't know anything about the world, about life. I'm nobody. Why shouldn't you?" "Because you're not like the other women that's why. I love you won't you believe it?" He was beside himself with anxiety. "Listen I'll take you home if you want to go. You don't know how it hurts me to have you think such things!" "Well, then, take me home," she said. It was but gradually that she became pacified.

"Now, listen to me, Mr. Dade. You and your friend there and your whole outfit can go plumb. Get that? Every ranch here has water, and we're going to keep it. How we keep it is our own business. If you've bought land you may look to the company for water, and not to us. If you haven't bought land if you're hired to come here to start something why, let it start!"

"What in thunder does it all mean? Listen. 'Dear Dick: I don't know when you will come home, but as soon as you do, you will learn of something abominable that has been published. Don't mind, Dick. They did it to make you stop. You will not stop, will you? You're not to take any notice of this attack on me. You're not to flinch from the fight for my sake or deflect a hair's breadth on my account.

Bribery with the chief of the party was evidently useless, for though he had promised any price the man liked to name, he would not listen; though that was no cause for surprise, since if the man helped the young chief to escape, his own life would be forfeit, unless he could escape from the country.

"Well, there's a case of a man who had two loves a woman and his country; and both true to him!" "And is he so singular, Merthyr?" "No, my best! my sweetest! my heart's rest! no!" They exchanged tender smiles. "Tarani's bride beloved! you can listen to such matters she has undertaken her task. Who imposed it? I confess I faint at the thought of things so sad and shameful.