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"You mean business?" "Yeh; binniziz. "Tay ole about his binniziz. Tay how stea' watch from 'Me'ican missiolary man. Tay how " "How did he steal the watch from the American missionary?" "We', somma lika dis: Chan Tow was vay stlong man, but vay litty meat on his boles. One day shee missiolary man come 'long load. Hedda watch-chain hang out.

"I no putta me broder-in-law and me sister in the street-a. Italian lika to be together." The housekeeper was unmoved. "Humph!" she said, "to liken my kids to them Dagos! Out they go." And they went. Up on the third floor there was the French couple.

So we started, with Mr. Bebbini at short range. "I think," said he, "you lika first off the 'ouse of Cristoforo Colombo." "I don't see how you knew," said poppa, "but you are perfectly correct. Cristoforo was one of the most distinguished Americans on the roll of history, and we, also, are Americans. At once, at once to the habitation of Cristoforo." Alessandro leaned forward impressively.

We climbed once more up to the heights of the Velebit, seeing from among the dark, giant pines which draped it in mourning, the great forests of Croatia, Lika, and Krabava, with their conical mountains, and far off the chains of Bosnia.

He was no sailor; that I soon determined. The two of them became thoroughly interested; but after a time the native courtesy of the Italian asserted itself. He evidently thought we might feel left out of it; though I think the others were, like myself, quite fascinated. "You lika music?" he smiled at us engagingly. "I getta my Italian fiddle? No?"

After puffing the cigarette twice or thrice my father threw it down, resuming his conversation upon the sedan, the appropriate dresses of certain of the great masquerading ladies, and an incident that appeared to charge Jorian DeWitt with having misconducted himself. The moment Lika had gone upstairs for two or three hours' sleep, he said to me: 'Richie, you and I have no time for that.

You sink up to your knees in ashes. I was fearfully tired. I went back on horseback through a little village and by houses; there was a glorious fragrance and the moon was shining. I sniffed, gazed at the moon, and thought of her that is, of Lika L. All the summer, noble gentlemen, we shall have no money, and the thought of that spoils my appetite.

It ees a good head you have verra good," murmured Captain Villaire. "Do you know, I heara dem talk about you?" "Did you? What did they say?" "De one boy say you should be in ze jail; didn't you robba somebody." "He had better keep his mouth shut." "You lika do somet'ing wid me?" continued the French native, closing one eye suggestively.

"I told ye once," laughed the girl "the good old pertaties is good enough for me!" "And you remember," said he, "what I answered?" Yes, she remembered! Her cheeks took on the colour of the rose-leaves he had specified as her probable diet. And then the Rafferty children, who had got to know Hal well, joined in the teasing. "Mister Minetti! Lika da spagetti!"

That worthy was leisurely smoking a cigarette in a quiet corner, and was making the smoke curl up gracefully over the hairy tuft on his nose. Sampey was paler than usual and a little nervous, for the business of his visit was tinged with hazard. Bat, who happened to feel good-natured, gave the first greeting. "Hey!" he called out. Sampey went straight to him. "You lika da show, ha, Samp?