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Updated: November 3, 2024
But you mus' kip vay quier, my de-ah sir; as quier as can be! My son is dreffel differcut man. His profussion was highrob. He getta home minnernight; an' you doan' kip quier, I fred he to strike you! But magistrate say: 'I too tire' to getta scare'. You nedda me stay wif you. "So oneddy giva him to eat, an' show him to go slip unner tabuh in katchen.
Half an hour later he managed to regain the bed, where he was content to lie with closed eyes and analyze his various pains and weaknesses. Maria came in several times to change the cold cloths on his forehead. Otherwise she left him in peace, too wise to vex him with chatter. This moved him to gratitude, and he murmured to himself, "Maria, you getta da milka ranch, all righta, all right."
I heara da talk but it like a dream, see? I lika da talk but I lika my own Italia, see? But in olda countra many men work for steamship compana. Steamship compana, they needa da mon', too, see? They talk to us mucha, fixa her easy, come here easy, getta da job easy, see? Steamship men, they keepa right after me, so I come, see?" Big Jim lighted his pipe.
Bye-bye, hedda ca'y dissa highrob two miles 'way down vanney, 'way up heel. Nen missiolary man lose ole his breffs, an' begin to gaps. He say, 'Mus' res'; mus' putta you down! Chan Tow kep' gloan, an' say: 'You putta me down I doan' know I die. Mus' getta home! Missiolary man say: 'Can't he'p I 'mos' exhaus'. Nen dissa highrob jump down vay well, an' say: 'We', I mus' getta home.
Getta vay disgussion. Light go out, I hang foot over' side dissa loof, an' begin fink. Maw I fink, maw getta disgussion. Bye-bye getta vay, vay disgussion. Nen tek dissa bamboo po' to shove frough dissa ho' in loof vay quier. When he shove frough, nen I ole suddenity begin push, jab, shove quick ole semma churn budder. Down below woman an' her beau begin squea', squea', ole semma rat!
It was warm and thawing so that the dead horse across the street, with the hugely swollen body, threw off an offensive odor. "Smells like the good ol' summer time," said the boy, nodding his head toward the horse and addressing the rag picker who was pulling a burlap sack into the basement. "Like ta getta da skin. No good now though," replied Luigi. "You gotta da rent money, Nucky?"
Shee vay many peoples getta on tlain. Assa conductor, 'Whatta is? Conductor tole me: 'You can't go. You a heeffen. Dissa Chrisinjin Indevil Shoshiety. "Dissa mek me vay tire. 'Me'ican peoples fink ole China heeffen. Fink doan' know about Gaw of heffen. Dissa 'Me'icans doan' know whatta is. China peoples benieve Olemighty Gaw semma lika you." Fuey endures in meditation several moments.
Supere court send word, 'You doan' fine who mudder in six mont's deglade yo' lank. Dissa China way to mek law. "We', dissa magistrate, whatta he do? Doan' like getta deglade; dissa spoi' his whole life. Say hisse'f: 'I vay detest to get deglade. Mus' go mek detectif fine who mudder. Nex' day left his court, and go mek long trivvle ole dress up like a fortune-tayer." "Like a fortune-teller?"
Say hisse'f: 'Pitty soon I getta discoulagement. Two mont's maw getta deglade, getta disglace! I doan' know I ki' hisse'f! "One day was stag' 'long load; getta 'mos' exhaus'. Bofe sides load was high heels, no house. Kep' on, on; semma heels; semma no house; mus' lie down in load wifout any subber, wifout any dlink. Dissa magistrate begin getta desplate.
Fonnow him long tem severow weeks. But cannot stea' from him. Bye-bye he reach his home Tsan Ran Foo, an' go to respec' his mudder-fadder-in-'aw; nen go fine his wife. Dissa tem was minnernight vay dark. Fink was good tem to stea' from him, an' getta his go' an' sivver. So kep' fonnow 'long load. When he getta his house he lock long tem at his daw, but was no answer.
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