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Nen he lie down, an' play once more his ancestors an' Gaw: 'You he'p me oleleddy; I kip plomise. Nou he'p me somma maw I fine who mudder. Nen go slip. "Bye-bye was dleam 'bout gleen moudens, gleen wadder. Hear' spi'its say, 'I wi' assist you. Ole dissa vay good sign. Suddinity was wek up from his slip, and shaw oneddy stand befaw him ole in dark. She say: 'My son come home in vay good humours.

Say lak mek yo' acquaintenance. Dissa tem was minnernight. Magistrate craw' out from unner tabuh, an' fonnow oneddy in nex' loom. Heah was Chan Tow, dissa highrob. Was fee' in vay good tempiniment to-night hedda jus' rob litty gir' her earlings." "It made him very happy to have stolen earrings from a little girl?" "Oh, yeh. Earlings med jay-stone.

'Most scare' to def! Nen I shin down loof run 'way." Fuey draws a long breath, and smiles at me his calm, celestial smile. "We', Chan Tow finis' his sto'y. Magistrate was ole tem smoke big clou's smoke, an' mek loom look lika was on fire. Mek oneddy wek up an' open daw. When Chan Tow finis', magistrate say: 'My de-ah brudder de highrob, yo' sto'y vay intinesse, vay intinesse!

"Littyoshantyhouse?" "Litty ole shanty house! "We', magistrate to lock at daw. Come to daw littyoneddy " "Little old what?" "Litty ole neddy! "Dissa oneddy she was vay ole, vay feeble. He tole her: 'Please, oneddy, you givva me kunderness let me go slip in yo' house to-night! I 'mos' died. No subber, no wadder 'mos' exhaus'! Oneddy tole him: 'Walks in; walks in!

"We', Chan Tow he vay denight to shee dissa fortune-tayer. Mek put hisse'f down to tabuh, eat subbah wif him, an' mek oneddy hop 'long getta ole bes' was in oshantyhouse. Chan Tow say: 'My de-ah sir, I am exceediny denight to shee you. We bofe about sem profussions: you fortune-tayer; I was highrob. Nen bofe eat, dlink long tem, an' Chan Tow tay ole about his shucshess in binniziz."

But you mus' kip vay quier, my de-ah sir; as quier as can be! My son is dreffel differcut man. His profussion was highrob. He getta home minnernight; an' you doan' kip quier, I fred he to strike you! But magistrate say: 'I too tire' to getta scare'. You nedda me stay wif you. "So oneddy giva him to eat, an' show him to go slip unner tabuh in katchen.

"We', magistrate an' highrob kep' tay ole 'bout expelunces in binniziz." "Business!" "Yeh; binniziz. "Kep' tay ole about binniziz. Bye-bye pea-oil light go out. Oneddy craw' up on bed an' go slip. Nen two men stay an' smoke pipe ole dark. Magistrate closs his legs an' say, ole lika he doan' care: 'Missa Highrob, dissa light go out mek me remin' whatta habben Tsan Ran Foo.

You heard about dissa case? Man nem Jan Han Sun go home his wife no can fine who mudder. Chan Tow smi' vay plou', an' say: 'Oh, my de-ah brudder, I know ole 'bout dissa case. I was to shee dissa man getta ki' in his own houses. Proud. "Magistrate dlaw glate big breff frough his pipe. Swallow smoke clea' down his stomach! Mek big cough nearny cough his top head off! an' wek oneddy!

I fink I go slip. So ole thlee was lie down to go slip, an' Chan Tow was tek his op' pipe an' begin smoke opi'. Whatta you say hurt de pipe?" "Hit the pipe." "Oh, yeh; hit pipe. I doan' spe'k Ingernish vay we'. "Magistrate wet long tem. Bye-bye oneddy begin to snow, an' nen bye-bye Chan Tow getta doan' know." "Chan Tow got don't know?" "Getta ole semma was died. Doan' know." "Unconscious?"