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This is what it was: Dear Bottle Man: To-day we got your leter wich surprised us very much. Although I kept hopeing and hopeing some body would find the bottle. We are not so distresed now because we were picked up and now have toast and other things beter than barnicles. I mesured from here to the equater on the big map and it is an aufuly far way for the bottle to go. Only I thought it would.

"Deer Janis, I no I cante spel good yet, and my ritin aint strate on the paper. But I want you shud be the firs to get leter from me I luv yu so. "Deer Janis, you got me the muney for the docker. And he was soo good himself, he never hardly hurt me a tall. "Deer Janis, I luv yu mos of all, cos if yu hadn ben yu I wudn never seen no moar. An it was so dark all times. Thats wy I feld down cellar.

It contained several dirty thumb-marks and the following message, roughly scrawled in pencil: "sir the lady with the hat cum for you about for aclock i told her as you was out and she rote this leter gerty." Hastily picking up the envelope, I slit open the flap, and pulled out the "leter" from inside. It covered two sides, and was written in Sonia's curious, sloping, foreign-looking hand.

He went to the Economy post office and on the back of a circular that he found in the waste basket he wrote another note: "Pat. This is blood money an' I can't kep it. I didunt no when I undertuk the job wot kind of a job it was. Thers only one way fur yoo to kep yur hid saf, an that is to tel the trooth abot wot hapuned. If yoo ar wiling to tel the trooth put a leter heer sayin so.

I am sorry you are so imprisined on the iland and please dont let the cheif with the beard poisen you because we would like to hear from you agan. If there is tresure on that iland I should think you could look for it and it would be exiting. But prehaps there is none. We hope there is some on Wecanicut. But it is hard to know sirtainly. Chris and Jerry are going to do a leter.

I shall like it wen it comes and so will True. She spells my leter for me. Your loving boy, BOBBY. And when the letter was sent, Bobby set himself to watch for his picture. It came very soon, and to his eyes was a miracle of beauty. Mrs. Allonby had it framed for him and hung up over his bed in the dressing-room.

When finally Mr. Evringham glanced at her he smiled. "Little thoroughbred," he mused; "she'd never disturb me." He rose and crossed to the child. There lay the finished letter. He took it up with some anticipation: DEAR MOTHER AND FATHER It is most time to get a leter from you but I will not wait to tell you I am happy and well.

Next day John Tow, the Chinaman, serenely fatalistic, smilingly perpendicular in felt-soled shoes, amidst zipping bullets, brought to the trench a reply, signed "Fare Air." The writer Toke the Libberty of Hopeing W. Keyse was as it Left her at preasent. She was Mutch obblig for his Dear Leter Witch it 'ad made her Hapey to Know a Brave Man fiteing for her Saik.

This Leter end of ye winter is mighty cold and a great quantity of snow is fallen upon ye ground, but that brings them to such a stomacke that your Lordship should take a great pleasure to see them feed.