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"Come," he added, "we'll fix things with M. Latterman." But the other, who remembered the scene in the Rue St. Gilles, and who had his own reasons to be alarmed, would sooner have jumped out of the window. "I am expected," he stammered. "Arrange matters without me." "Then you give me carte blanche?" Ah, if the brilliant financier had dared!

Latterman had probably thrown out Pelton's nitrocaine capsules and then put Bayne up to insulting Pelton's daughter, knowing that a fit of rage would bring on another heart attack, which could be fatal without the medicine. "Well, send for more!" "The prescription's in the safe," she said faintly. The office safe was locked, and only a Literate could open it.

"You say Claire's alone at the store with her father?" "And a couple of store cops, sterling characters with the hearts of lions and the brains of goldfish," Cardon replied. "And Russ Latterman, and maybe four or five Conservative goons he's managed to infiltrate into the store." Prestonby was still thinking, aloud, now. "Maybe they did mean to kill Pelton; in that case, they'll try again.

She began talking when she was ten feet from the table. "Mr. Latterman! Mr. Latterman!" she was calling to him. "A terrible fight, down in Chinaware !" "Well, what do we have store police for?" he demanded. "They can take care of it. Now be quiet, Madge; don't get the customers excited!"

Coccozello says Latterman is using a rifle against the raiders, killing every one he can get a shot at." Cardon nodded. Probably vindictive about being involved in action injurious to Pelton's commercial interests; just another odd quirk of Literate ethics. "We'd better get him up here," he said. "You and I have got to leave, at once; we have to get Pelton and Claire to safety.

"Two escalators, sir, northeast and southwest corners of office country. And we got some new counters that Mr. Latterman had built, that didn't get put out in time for the sale. We can use them to build barricades, if we have to." "How about a 'copter attack on the roof?" Coccozello grinned. "I'd like to see that, now, Literate.

And we'd have to go up a ladder, and out a manhole, to get out of the conveyor tunnel. What sorta shape's Mr. Pelton in?" "He's under hypnotaine, completely unconscious," Prestonby said. "Then we'd have to drag him," Yetsko said. "Strap him up in a tarp, or load him into a sleeping bag, if we can get hold of one." "There are plenty, down in the warehouse," Latterman interrupted, joining them.

At that very moment, the little door on the left opened, and the customer came out who had detained M. Latterman so long. This customer was no other than M. Costeclar. Noticing M. de Tregars and Maxence, who had risen at the noise of the door, he appeared most disagreeably surprised.

These shares M. Latterman collects, and carefully stores away; and upon the shelves of his office you may see numberless shares and bonds of those numerous companies which have absorbed, in the past twenty years, according to some statistics, twelve hundred millions, and, according to others, two thousand millions, of the public fortune. And yet speculators are found who buy and sell these rags.

Maxence understood only one thing, that M. de Tregars had penetrated M. Costeclar's designs; and he could not sufficiently admire his presence of mind, and his skill in grasping an unexpected opportunity. "Fortunately there is nothing done yet," added M. Latterman. "And it is yet time to alter what has been agreed on," said M. de Tregars. And, addressing himself to Costeclar,