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Carter felt a personal affront in Langdon's sceptical laugh at this assertion. "How do you figure that, Saunderson?" the government man queried. "Immigration statistics of the last ten years prove to any sane man that the natives are returning to their fatherland in unprecedented numbers. Read for yourself."

Langdon's doubts, little though they influenced me, still made enough of an impression to cause me to test the market. I sold for him at ninety, as he had directed; I sold in quantity every day. But no matter how much I unloaded, the price showed no tendency to break. "This," said I to myself, "is a testimonial to the skill with which I prepared for my bull campaign."

Langdon's first description of the text, in Proc. Soc. Bibl. Arch., Vol. XXXVI , pp. 188 ff., was based on a comparatively small fragment only; and on his completion of the text from other fragments in Pennsylvania. Expos.

Why should any man be who has made himself all that he is? As long as his brain is sound, his capital is unimpaired. When I walked into Mowbray Langdon's office, I was like a thoroughbred exercising on a clear frosty morning; and my smile was as fresh as the flower in my buttonhole. I thrust out my hand at him. "I congratulate you," said I. He took the proffered hand with a questioning look.

Samuel Clemens gazed long at the exquisite portrait and spoke of it reverently, for in the sweet face he seemed to find something spiritual. Often after that he came to young Langdon's cabin to look at the pictured countenance, in his heart dreaming of a day when he might learn to know its owner. We need not follow in detail here the travels of the "pilgrims" and their adventures.

For, at the moment, he could not imagine who sought him at such an hour, or how his presence at Langdon's house, was known. "Yes, sir. Mr. Gardner is on the wire."

The other two are Jane and Tober; old Fritz is up on the summit. Three of the best dogs we had, Bruce!" Bruce was looking over the ledge. He pointed downward. "There's another pitched clean off the face o' the mount'in!" he gasped. "Jimmy, that's five!" Langdon's fists were clenched tightly as he stared over the edge of the precipice. A choking sound came from his throat.

Close by them were two tall youths whom Dick recognized at once as St. Clair and Langdon. He waved his hand to them repeatedly, and, at last, caught the eye of St. Clair, who at once waved back and then called Langdon's attention. Langdon not only waved also, but walked forward, as if to meet him, bringing St. Clair with him, and Dick, responding at once, advanced with Warner and Pennington.

She saw that the man's game was played too strongly, too furiously fast, for most women to enter, yet she rejoiced that the coveted fortune had not been lost. She was sorry that her means of saving it had not been less questionable. She saw that ambition and honesty, ambition and truth, with difficulty follow the same path. Senator Langdon's face was unusually grave as he came to greet Carolina.

Couldn't Stephen Langdon's daughter kick him into it again? Or into any other house on God's green earth, for that matter, if she tried to do so? Do you suppose he'd have to pay any attention to a little, petty ostracism, on the part of such puppets of society as gathered out there, if he became the husband of Patricia Langdon? Don't be an ass, Roderick!