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"Tell me who is it ye love, Jooly," exclaims another, cuddling a red-faced infant with a very dirty nose. More of the same race are perched about the summerhouse, and two wenches with large purple feet are flapping some carpets in the air.

"Had nothing by the mail," he answered, looking straight in front of him. And Netty asked no more questions. "Your aunt Jooly," he said, after a pause, "has had an interesting mail. She has been offered the presidency " "Of the United States?" asked Netty, with a little laugh, seeing that Joseph paused. "Not yet," he answered, with deep gravity. "Of the Massachusetts Women Bachelors' Federation."

"She is a masterful woman is Aunt Jooly," he said; "she'll give him his choice between dismissal and and earthly paradise." Netty laughed soothingly, and glanced up at him again. He was walking along with huge, lanky strides, much more hurriedly than he was aware of. His head was thrust forward, and his chin went first as if to push a way through a crowded world.

Mangles, slowly, "that at this hour in the morning it appears to be a one-horse country. You want your breakfast, Jooly?" "Breakfast will not put two horses to it, Joseph," replied Miss Mangles, looking not at her brother, but at the imposing hotel concierge with a bland severity indicative of an intention of keeping him strictly in his place.

Of what, indeed, does every woman think the moment she receives an invitation? "Jooly," Mr. Mangles had been heard to say behind that lady's back "Jooly is an impressive dresser when she tries." But the truth is that Jooly did not always try.

I might tell you how I'm lost once, freightin' from Vegas into the Panhandle, an' am two days without water blazin' Jooly days so hot you couldn't touch tire, chain, or bolt-head without fryin' your fingers. An' how at the close of the second day when I hauls in at Cabra Springs, I lays down by that cold an' blessed fountain an' drinks till I aches.

The wizard climbs the danglin' string of kyarpet-rags, hand over hand; then he drifts off an' up'ards ontil he don't look bigger than a bumble-bee; an' then he's lost in the gatherin' shadows of the Jooly night. "'Squar' Alexanders, Chet, an' the village stands strainin' their eyes for twenty minutes.

So Jooly goes about the world lecturing on women's employment, and pointing out to the public and the administration many ways in which women may be profitably employed and paid. She leaves it to the gumption of the government to discover for themselves that there is many a nice berth for which Jooly P. Mangles is eminently suited, but governments have no gumption, sir. And "

"This is even worse than I anticipated," said Miss Mangles, watching the hotel porters in a conflict with Miss Netty Cahere's large trunks. "What is worse, Jooly?" "Poland!" replied Miss Mangles, in a voice full of foreboding, and yet with a ring of determination in it, as if to say that she had reformed worse countries than Poland in her day. "I allow," said Mr.

And he bowed over Netty's head with an empressement which would have conveyed to any one more versed in the ways of men the reason why he had come. "Do you bet, Mr. Deulin?" inquired Jooly. "Never, unless I am quite sure," he answered. "There is," observed Miss Mangles, who was inclined to be gracious "there is perhaps less harm in that." "And less risk," explained Deulin gravely.