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The other man was made all of tin, his arms and legs and head being cleverly jointed so that he could move them freely. He was known as the Tin Woodman, having at one time been a woodchopper, and everyone loved him because the Wizard had given him an excellent heart of red plush.

This stalk is jointed like a bamboo pole, the joints being about three inches apart near the roots and increasing in distance the higher one gets from the ground." "How do they plant it?" Bob asked. "It can be planted from seed, but this method takes much time and patience; the usual way is to plant it from cuttings, or slips.

So the jogi directed him to send him secretly two carpenters; and when they arrived he set them to make a great chest, so cunningly jointed and put together that neither air nor water could penetrate it.

Over and over again one or another of the party was seized by the foot or the leg; but his companions would beat the long, jointed limb to fragments, or drive their spear-points deep into the awful, drooling mouth, and set him free. At last, bleeding from many wounds, they reached the end of the ledge and clambered to the top. Here but three or four of the giant crustaceans tried to follow them.

The working train arm is jointed so as to pivot about the axis of E, and may be clamped at any angle within its range, thus changing the length of the virtual train arm, C D. The bar being fixed to a, then, moves as though carried by the wheel, , rolling within ; the radius of being C D, and that of twice as great.

Enclosed in this drum there is a smaller one, the two being perfectly jointed together by tenon and socket, in such a way that the smaller drum revolves closely but easily in the larger, like a stopcock. On the lip of the larger drum there are three hundred and sixty-five points, marked off at equal intervals.

Flowers pale yellow, produced in autumn on the younger joints. Fruits white, Mistletoe-like. A small, delicate plant from Buenos Ayres, not more than 6 in. high. This species requires stove treatment. Mag. 2461. Stem woody when old, brown, jointed like hens' toes, not quite as thick as a goose-quill.

The bridle and head-gear were much too complicated for description; there were good leather, raw hide, hair-rope, and scarlet worsted all brought into use; the bit was the ordinary Asiatic one, jointed, and with two rings. I mounted on one side, and at once rolled over, saddle and all, to the other; the pony standing quite still. I preferred walking; but Dr.

Its stem was jointed and hollow, and Lucien had heard that the Indians called it in their language "flute-stem," as they often used it to make their rude musical instruments from, and also a sort of whistle or "call," by which they were enabled to imitate and decoy several kinds of deer. But there was another use to which the plant was put, of which the naturalist was not aware.

Here, too, were living flowers, Which, like a bud compacted, Their purple cups contracted; And now in open blossom spread, Stretch'd, like green anthers, many a seeking head. And arborets of jointed stone were there, And plants of fibres fine as silkworm's thread; Yea, beautiful as mermaid's golden hair Upon the waves dispread.