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Four times now has he brought his umbrella to bed with him and scratched me by joggling it around with the sharp points of the ribs toward me. What on earth he means I cannot imagine. He said he thought somehow it was the baby, but that is so preposterous that I can hardly believe him." "Why can't you? Don't you remember perfectly well that I emptied a bottle of milk into the umbrella twice?

The plain backs of the homes along Whittier Street, irregular in profile as the margins of a free verse poem, offered Roger an agreeable human panorama. Thin strands of smoke were rising from chimneys; a belated baker's wagon was joggling down the alley; in bedroom bay-windows sheets and pillows were already set to sun and air.

Now we'll get him on to a bed and see what the damage is;" and they set off slowly for Plaisance. "My God, Sénéchal! That passed belief! To think of our never thinking of that infernal brute!" said the Doctor, as they stumbled slowly along in the joggling light. "He was possessed of the devil, without a doubt. That last scream of his when he got my two bullets " "'T woke us," said Carré.

The three hastened to leave the theatre, for the stage was already full of workmen, the Egyptian palm was moving in one direction, the Commendatore's white horse was joggling away uneasily in another, and the steps of somebody's enchanted palace were being dragged forward into place. All was noise, dust and apparent confusion.

As the afternoon passed they recovered from the effects of the long railroad journey overnight and the joggling buckboard experience. A thousand questions had been fired at Jim, who was a good-humored old fellow with a great love for boys in his heart.

On another road a vat of seasoned yew, monstrous as a house on wheels and drawn by an hundred laborious oxen, came bumping and joggling the ale that thirsty Connaught princes would drink.

We were always up and down on top of the swells, and our bodies ached so terribly from the sitting-down position and from the joggling of the motion that we would cry with pain. The salt water got in all of our bruises and cracked our hands and feet, but there was no help for us, and we had to grin and bear it. A shark took hold of our sea-anchor and we were afraid that he would tear it to pieces.

It came joggling slowly along, like a floating patch of sunlight, among the sun-glints, and every joggle brought it nearer to the grip of the current that was swirling south through the Gouliot. Once caught in the foaming Race, ten chances to one it would be smashed like an eggshell on some black outreaching fang of the rocks.

'WHAT do you think she'd do if she caught us? We oughtn't to have it, you know, said Maisie. 'Beat me, and lock you up in your bedroom, Dick answered, without hesitation. 'Have you got the cartridges? 'Yes; they're in my pocket, but they are joggling horribly. Do pin-fire cartridges go off of their own accord? 'Don't know. Take the revolver, if you are afraid, and let me carry them.

"So you shall see it is as I have say." He shook his fists again at the mill. Its open windows vomited the staccato chatterings of the myriad looms. "It chews up the poor people. Hear its dam' teeth go chank chank chank!" "The Gallic imagination is always active," said Farr, joggling the key at the end of the cord and eyeing it with peculiar interest.