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They would come running to investigate any disturbance among the grazing ponies, thus clearing the path to the ship and the Reds there. Travis, Jil-Lee, and Buck, armed with the star guns, would spearhead that attack cutting into the substance of the ship itself until it was a sieve through which they could shake out the enemy.

Both Buck and Jil-Lee were watching him; apparently neither had felt that sensation. Travis did not reply for a second. He was free of it now. But he was sure of its source; it had not been any backlash of the Red caller! It was rooted here a compulsion triggered to make the original intentions of the outpost obeyed, a last drag from the sleepers.

"You are a wise man, Apache, but sometimes more than wisdom alone is needed " "We are wise men, Shaman, let it rest there," Jil-Lee replied somberly. Already the Apaches were on their way, putting two cliff ridges behind them before they halted to examine and cover their wounds. "We go." Nolan's chin lifted, indicating the southern route.

Travis agreed emphatically and then was annoyed at the broadening of Jil-Lee's smile. Abruptly he changed the subject. "Manulito is setting the booby trap in the ship." "That is well. He and Eskelta will remain here, and you with them." "Not so! We must go to the towers " Travis protested. "I thought," Jil-Lee cut in, "that you believed the weapons of the old ones too dangerous for us to use."

These two who sit over yonder now they are also hunters and they seem friendly to us. In a strange place a man needs all the help he can find. Let us not call names out of old tales, which may mean nothing in fact." "Buck speaks straightly," Jil-Lee agreed. "We seek a camp which can be defended.

He was surveying the heights above the pocket in which Menlik and two of the Mongols were piling brush. "There ... there ... and there...." The Apache's chin made three juts. "If the pilot swoops for a quick look, our cross fire will take out his blades." They held a last conference with Menlik and then climbed to the perches Jil-Lee had selected.

"Taboo " Buck spoke that word with an emphasis they could appreciate. Knowledge must be set behind the invisible barriers of taboo, and that could work. "These three no more we found no other weapons!" Jil-Lee added a warning suggestion. "No others," Buck agreed and Travis echoed, adding: "We found tombs of the space people, and these were left with them.

But they lay together, safe for the present, as Travis was sure the enemy would not risk an open attack on their small fortress. With Travis' aid Lupe struggled back up to the site where Nolan waited. Jil-Lee was there to make competent examination of the boy's wound. "Creased," he reported. "A sore head, but no great damage. Perhaps a scar later, warrior!"

He said as much, and Buck accepted his determination as final. They dispatched a scouting party to infiltrate the territory to the north, to watch and wait their chance of capture. Travis strove to regain his feet, to be ready to move when the moment came. Five days later he was able to reach the ridge beyond which lay the wrecked ship. With him were Jil-Lee, Lupe, and Manulito.

They have freely said that the Reds can hold them in mind ropes when they wish. Already they may be so bound. I say let us go back to our own country." He added to the decisiveness of that by handing Jil-Lee the glasses and sliding down from their perch. Travis looked at the other. In a way he could understand the wisdom of Nolan's suggestion.