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The late Lady Combermere, an octogenarian dame who retained a sempiternal taste for les petits jeux innocents kindly invited a young curate whom she had been asked to befriend to take part in a "spelling-bee." He got on splendidly for a while, and then broke down among the repeated "n's" in "drunkenness."

The metre had at first been adapted to short epigrams modelled on the Greek, e.g., triumphal inscriptions, epitaphs, jeux d'esprit, &c., several examples of which have been quoted in these pages.

What can you tell of countries so well known as those upon the continent of Europe, which you have visited? BOSWELL. 'But I can give an entertaining narrative, with many incidents, anecdotes, jeux d'esprit, and remarks, so as to make very pleasant reading. JOHNSON. 'Why, Sir, most modern travellers in Europe who have published their travels, have been laughed at: I would not have you added to the number . The world is now not contented to be merely entertained by a traveller's narrative; they want to learn something . Now some of my friends asked me, why I did not give some account of my travels in France.

We do not wish to deny this; but we have seen that Cosmopolitanism, an over-excited sense of justice, and a certain tendency to dialectic jeux d'esprit, has been a common quality of all the doctrines we have hitherto described.

The assembly of the previous evening had been one of those which the fermier des jeux at Baden beneficently provides for the frequenters of the place, and now was to come off a much more brilliant entertainment, in which poor Clive, who is far into Switzerland by this time, was to have taken a share.

'I say, he said. 'What's the game? J'ai jete cinq francs sur huit, I tell you, moi! A forgotten idiom from the days of boyhood and French exercises came to him. 'Moi qui parle, he added. 'Messieurs, faites vos jeux, crooned the croupier, in a detached manner.

Mannhardt regarded many or most of the philological solutions of gods into dawn or sun, or thunder or cloud, as empty jeux d'esprit. And justly, for there is no name named among men which a philologist cannot easily prove to be a synonym or metaphorical term for wind or weather, dawn or sun. Whatever attribute any word connotes, it can be shown to connote some attribute of dawn or sun.

I've never written to Geraldine to-day! 'Faites vos jeux, messieurs, said the chief croupier of the table. Henry's fingers touched a solitary five-franc piece in his pocket, large, massive, seductive. Yes, he was at Monte Carlo. He could scarcely believe it, but it was so. Tom had brought him.

"You do not think, Monsieur Huet, that there is wit in these /jeux de mots/: perhaps you do not admire wit at all?" "Yes, I admire wit as I do the wind. When it shakes the trees it is fine; when it cools the wave it is refreshing; when it steals over flowers it is enchanting: but when, Monsieur Hamilton, it whistles through the key-hole it is unpleasant."

In a few moments the gaily-lit terrace was practically deserted, and an eager-faced crowd pressed up against the green-clothed tables, each individual eager to secure a good place. For a little while Ann contented herself with watching. "Faites vos jeux, messieurs. Messieurs, faites vos jeux."