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Considering this fact, and the superposition of these beds on the porphyritic conglomerate formation; and, as we shall immediately see, from their containing much gypsum, and from their otherwise close general resemblance in mineralogical nature with the strata described in the valley of Copiapo, I have little doubt that these fossiliferous beds of Iquique belong to the great cretaceo-oolitic formation of Northern Chile.

Saroche never affected me. December 27th. Sailed for Valparaiso, calling at Iquique, Antofagasta and Coquimbo. The coast country is so desolate and arid that at some of these purely nitrate towns school-children's knowledge of trees and other plants is derived solely from painted representations on boardings erected for the purpose. This may seem libellous, but is not so.

The Huascar, Captain Grau, and the Independencia, Captain J.G. Moore, thereupon proceeded southward in the hope of falling in with some of the Chilian ships, and, having looked into Pisagua to make sure that the squadron of Rebolledo Williams was not lurking there, went on again toward Iquique, off which port they appeared at daybreak on the morning of May 21.

Relations between ancient orifices of eruption and subsequent axes of injection. Iquique, Peru, fossils of, salt-deposits. Metalliferous veins. Summary on the porphyritic conglomerate and gypseous formations. Great subsidence with partial elevations during the cretaceo-oolitic period. On the elevation and structure of the Cordillera. Recapitulation on the tertiary series.

Having ascended the steep coast-mountains by a zigzag sandy track, we soon came in view of the mines of Guantajaya and St. Rosa. These two small villages are placed at the very mouths of the mines; and being perched up on hills, they had a still more unnatural and desolate appearance than the town of Iquique.

On the hills near Lima, at a height but little greater, the ground is carpeted with moss, and beds of beautiful yellow lilies, called Amancaes. This indicates a very much greater degree of humidity than at a corresponding height at Iquique. Proceeding northward of Lima, the climate becomes damper, till on the banks of the Guayaquil, nearly under the equator, we find the most luxuriant forests.

He had resolved that if the subject was mentioned by the Spaniard again he would make himself scarce. On their arrival at Iquique, Leigh received more letters from home. He went to the owner's house, and in the course of the evening the old gentleman asked him right out to marry his daughter. Mr. Leigh was confused, and said he would like to save a little more money. "Never mind the money.

Very few animals can be maintained in such a place: on the ensuing morning I hired with difficulty, at the price of four pounds sterling, two mules and a guide to take me to the nitrate of soda works. These are at present the support of Iquique. This salt was first exported in 1830: in one year an amount in value of one hundred thousand pounds sterling was sent to France and England.

Scalaria was found at Valparaiso; Arca, at Iquique, in latitude 20, by Mr. Column 2. Latitudes, in which found fossil on the coasts of Chile and Peru. Column 3. Southernmost latitude, in which found living on the west coast of South America. Bulla : 30 to 43 30 : 12 near Lima. Cassis : 34 : 1 37. Fusus : 30 and 43 30 : 23 Mexillones; reappears at the St. of Magellan.

It is only those who have never suffered who show no mercy to others. What was it that American girl had said to him in Iquique, when she insisted on lending him one hundred dollars, the time he was absolutely penniless and too weak from fever to refuse? "The best thanks you can give me, Jimmy, will be to help another girl if you ever get the chance."