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There was also a gravity that was not far removed from sadness in his face when he went on again, but the intentness of his retainers would have been greater had they known that two separate detachments of police troopers were then riding toward Silverdale. "The year has brought its changes, and set its mark deeply on some of us," he said.

Presently I looked across at the ruined facade, and saw that in one of its window-frames another dog stood: a large white pointer with one brown ear. He was an old grave dog, much more experienced than the others; and he seemed to be observing me with a deeper intentness.

"In that case" there was an infinitesimal pause and, although she would not look up, she was sensitively aware of the intentness of his gaze "in that case, I shall change my mind and go, too." "You'll meet plenty of friends there," replied Ann. "Lady Susan, of course, and the Tempests, and Mrs. Hilyard." "Acquaintances only," he returned shortly. "Well, at least you'll admit that Mrs.

The intentness and directness of his silent appeal, his close and unrelenting attack upon your individuality, respectful as it seemed, was the very flower of insolence; or, if you give it a possibly truer interpretation, it was the tyrannical effort of a man endowed with great natural force of character to constrain your reluctant will to his purpose.

Use your head now. Hit the trail." "Not without her. I'll fight first," declared Roberts, and his hands began to twitch and jerk. Joan did not miss the wonderful intentness of the pale-gray eyes that watched Roberts his face, his glance, his hands. "What good will it do to fight?" asked Kells. He laughed coolly. "That won't help her... You ought to know what you'll get."

Even now with Adam's piercing eyes upon him, he had a feeling of invincibility; as if, aloof in the aerial sphere in which he seemed to float, he could shut the old man out. Adam stared at him with eagle-like intentness and a puzzled frown. His face said plainly that Kenny's mood was without precedent and therefore strategical.

Here we had, for my sake, two fiddles, the one a base viall, on which he that played, played well some lyra lessons, but both together made the worst musique that ever I heard. We had a fine collacion, but I took little pleasure in that, for the illness of the musique and for the intentness of my mind upon Mrs. Rebecca Allen.

"More than that, there are people who come here, who order one thing and get another, and the thing they get is always a much more elaborate and extravagant dish than the one they asked for. I've seen that happen again and again." "Have you?" Nancy asked faintly, shrinking a little beneath the intentness of his look. "How how do you account for it?" "There's only one way to account for it."

I ejaculated, with a jocular effort at indifference, which I acknowledge I did not feel. "You seem to forget the law. We live in the city of Baltimore. Charlatans such as I have just left behind me do not make away with good citizens with impunity. We have only to seek the protection of the police." She met my looks with a slowly increasing intentness, which stilled this protest on my lips.

The subject was sacred to herself, and she asked no sympathy and granted no confidences. There were those who sought to draw her out, who watched her face and words with keen intentness when certain themes were discussed. But they were unable to reach the penetralia of her heart. There was a chamber of record there into which no one could enter but herself.