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Romola, too, walked on, smiling at Piero's innuendo, with a sort of tenderness towards the old painter's anger, because she knew that her father would have felt something like it. For herself, she was conscious of no inward collision with the strict and sombre view of pleasure which tended to repress poetry in the attempt to repress vice.

"Oh, I learned a great many no, a multitude of things about life." At this he broke into a laugh of pure delight. "With a special course of instruction in maneuvers," he rejoined. Though her smile showed perplexity she tossed back his innuendo with defiance. "And by the time we meet again I shall have learned about strategy." How ready she was to fence, and how quick with her attack!

Where the promenaders gather, and the bands are playing, and the pretty little theatres compete, the pleasure seeker will be seeking such pleasure as he pleases, no longer debased by furtiveness and innuendo, going his primrose path to a congenial, picturesque, happy and highly desirable extinction.

So doing, we must use language to enlighten the mind, not as the instrument of the studied innuendo and distorter of truth. And we must live by what we say.

Why is it then so awful that he should be in Paris? 'Awful, awful, too awful, murmured Laura, with intense gravity, still looking at her looking all the more fixedly that she knew how little Selina liked it. 'My dear, you do indulge in a style of innuendo, for a respectable young woman! Mrs. Berrington exclaimed, with an angry laugh.

"Yes," he says, smiling still, though his face has whitened, and a wrathy red light has come into his deep eyes; "in the pre-Huntley era, I laid my heart at her feet by-the-way, I must have been in petticoats at the time and she kicked it away, as she had, no doubt, done others." The camel's backbone is broken. This last innuendo in weight a straw has done it.

If he had blabbed what he saw, it was incredible that somebody should not take the subject up, and impart a scandalous twist to it, and send it rolling like a snowball to gather up exaggeration and foul innuendo till it was big enough to overwhelm him. What would happen to him if a formal charge were preferred against him? He looked it up in the Discipline.

In either case, I had come to feel decidedly uncomfortable, so much so, in fact, that I was content to let the innuendo pass without a retort. It behooved me to keep my temper as well as my wits. "Come along," said I, starting off in the direction of the lower regions. He followed. I manoeuvred with such success that ultimately he took the lead.

He therefore approached, and endeavoured, by sundry queries, to elicit from him what the innuendo might mean; but Davie had no mind to explain, and had wit enough to make his folly cloak his knavery.

They skirted the chateau, and Beauchamp had the history of Dame Philiberte recounted to him, with a mixture of Gallic irony, innuendo, openness, touchingness, ridicule, and charity novel to his ears. Madame d'Auffray struck the note of intimacy earlier than is habitual. It was done delicately, like the tap of a finger-nail on a vase.