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But he's got money somehow. He's so dam'd imperent when he have. A few nights ago I sor him at Vauxhall, where I was a polkin with Lady Hemly Babewood's gals a wery pleasant room that is, and an uncommon good lot in it, hall except the 'ousekeeper, and she's methodisticle I was a polkin you're too old a cove to polk, Mr.

What does you see out ob dat winder, Sambo? you imperent rascal. "'Nuffin', Sar. "'Well, you black niggar, if you stare bout dat way, you will see yourself flogged next time. If you ab no manners, I must teach you for de credit ob de plantation; hold a plate to Miss Phillis right away. Sambo, pour me out some.

But he's got money somehow. He's so dam'd imperent when he have. A few nights ago I sor him at Vauxhall, where I was a-polkin with Lady Hemly Babewood's gals a wery pleasant room that is, and an uncommon good lot in it, hall except the 'ousekeeper, and she's methodisticle I was a-polkin you're too old a cove to polk, Mr.

"Mrs Baggett, I want to speak to you, if you'll come into the other room," said Mary. "You are imperent, both of you. I can't say a word but I'm taken up that short that . They've been and tied all the jam down, so that it'll all go that mouldy that nobody can touch it. And then, when I says a word, they turns upon me."

'Why, drat the Bragian boldness of that boy! cried Mrs Gamp, though not displeased. 'What a imperent young sparrow it is! I wouldn't be that creetur's mother not for fifty pound! Mr Bailey regarded this as a delicate confession of her attachment, and a hint that no pecuniary gain could recompense her for its being rendered hopeless. He felt flattered.

"De fault was mine," cried Dolf, in his gallantry; "all mine, so dat imperent yaller gal need'n larf herself quite to death." "Imperent yaller gal? am no more yaller den yer is," answered Vic. "Any how yer needn't stand dar a grinning like a monkey, Vic," exclaimed Clorinda, in wrath. "Accidents will recur," said Dolf. "But, laws, Miss Victory, is dat you?

If you please, sir, I was settling with the cabman, and he was so imperent, them low fellows always are, when they have only us poor women to deal with, sir, and " "But what is the matter?" cried I, for my father had taken the child in his arms soothingly, and she was now weeping on his breast.

From the moment that Cæsar dropped on his knees at the door, Pete had been well-nigh choked by an impulse to laugh aloud. But now he bit his lip and said, "I did!" "Behould ye now, as imperent as a goat!" said Cæsar, working his eyebrows vigorously. "You've mistaken your profession, boy. It's a play-actorer they ought to be making of you.

Jenkins put down the glass he was polishing, and pointed sternly to the door. 'Now you go off, Master Bobby, and don't you be asking imperent questions. Bobby trotted off. There was no love lost between him and Jenkins. He peeped into the drawing-room, then found his way to the library, and here he wandered about for some considerable time. The plaster busts were always a puzzle to him.

Fitzwarren, have the goodness to remain. "'I give you warning, roars he, looking black, blue, yaller all the colors of the ranebo. "'Take off your coat, you imperent, hungrateful scoundrl, says I. "'It's not your livery, says he. "'Peraps you'll understand me, when I take off my own, says I, unbuttoning the motherapurls of the MacWhirter tartn.