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The idea impressed everybody as a good one, and enjoyed a considerable popularity for a time. But practically this was soon found to be a clumsy and inadequate form of speech, also that many other drawbacks attended its adoption. But the main idea held good; and since that time Volapuk, Bolak, Esperanto and Ido have appeared, but without meeting with great success.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡, hace usted bien en llamarme suya ... que de usted soy y seré ... que de usted he sido siempre; porque ahora lo conozco, y no tengo vergüenza de confesarlo! BRUNO. ¡Pobrecita, qué ha de hacer más que conocerlo y confesarlo! DON EDUARDO. ¿Puedo creer tamaña dicha! DOÑA MATILDE. Ojalá estuviera aquí mi padre, para que en su presencia.... Si se habrá ya ido.

He came out of his throne to stand before the Shaggy Man, and then he waved his hands, palms downward, in seven semicircles over his victim's head, saying in a low but clear tone of voice the magic wugwa: "Adi, edi, idi, odi, udi, oo-i-oo! Idu, ido, idi, ide, ida, woo!" The effect of this well-known sorcery was instantaneous.

For his own part he was interested in ideas of universal citizenship, in Esperanto and Ido and universal languages and such-like attacks upon the barriers between man and man. But the authorities at home did not favour cosmopolitan ideas, and so he was relinquishing them. "Here, it is as if there were no authorities," he said with a touch of envy. Mr. Direck induced him to expand that idea.

"Ongon, a henchman of Datto Ansig, purchased from Bagobo Ido, a Bilan slave boy named Sacum about eight years old and who was deaf and cross-eyed, and had other defects of vision, making him of little or no value as a laborer. Ido originally received this slave from Duon, a Bilan, as a wedding present when he married Duon's daughter about a year ago.

The universal language of humanity is neither Volapuk, nor Esperanto, nor Ido. It is Thought, and when thought proceeds from a point beyond the plane of differentiation it can be determined along the line which makes for English as readily as that which makes for French, or any other tongue.

"I am not convinced of which. In some ways Ido is much better." "Perhaps there would have to be a war between Ido and Esperanto to settle it," said Teddy. "Who shall we play skat with when you have gone?" asked Mrs. Britling. "All this morning," said Herr Heinrich, expanding in the warmth of sympathy, "I have been trying to pack and I have been unable to pack. My mind is too greatly disordered.

"Ongon agreed to pay Ido five agongs for the boy and took him to the house of Ansig where arrangements were made for the sacrifice by calling on all who for any reason had need to appease the evil spirits to come and take part.

The first of these was, so soon as he had taken his doctorate in philology, to give himself to the perfecting of an International Language; it was to combine all the virtues of Esperanto and Ido. "And then," said Herr Heinrich, "I do not think there will be any more wars ever."

He could envisage war and hostility only as misunderstanding. He thought that a world that could explain itself clearly would surely be at peace. He was scheming always therefore for the perfection and propagation of Esperanto or Ido, or some such universal link.