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Updated: September 3, 2024

Here have been brought together all the available information on the organization and history of ice-boating, the building of the various types of ice yachts, from the small 15 footer to the 600-foot racer, together with detailed plans and specifications.

He had had his fill long ago of the noisy friendly parties at Highbank, with coasting, ice-boating, sleighing, long tramps in the snow, and a general flavour of mild flirting and milder practical jokes. He had just received a box of new books from his London book-seller, and had preferred the prospect of a quiet Sunday at home with his spoils.

"We are going home," answered Bert, and then explained how they had been ice-boating and what had happened on the lake. "I do declare!" cried Farmer Sandborn. "So the boat up an' run away with ye, did she? Contrary critter, eh!" And he began to laugh. "Who be you?" "I am Bert Bobbsey and this is my twin sister Nan." "Oh, yes, I know now.

The wind roared outside in the bare maples, and the fire boomed in its pent place within, but these young people had forgotten time and place. The girl sank into a chair almost unconsciously as they talked of Madison a great city to them of the Capitol building, of the splendid campus, of the lakes, and the gay sailing there in summer and ice-boating in winter.

An evening dinner was in waiting for them, and sitting down to satisfy their hunger, they told their story, to which all of the others listened with much interest. "You can be thankful you weren't blown clear to the other end of the lake," said Mr. Bobbsey. "I think after this you had better leave ice-boating alone." "I know I shall!" declared Nan.

"If it's like this to-morrow it will be grand for skating!" exclaimed Nan. "Yes, and fine for ice-boating, too," replied her brother. "We'll beat you to Snow Lodge." "Well, you ought to," said Dorothy, "but we'll be warmer skating than you will be on the ice-boat." "Not when we take along all the fur robes I've got out for the trip," replied Bert.

"Ah, if the lake were frozen enough for ice-boating," replied Gunther, "I could show you something nearer still. But they tell me there is little chance till February for more than in-shore skating." Only in this last named sport had Gunther a rival, Stefan making up in grace what he lacked in practice. Beside his, the Norwegian's skating was powerful, but too unbending.

"No skating or ice-boating now," said Bert, "and not for some days. We'll have to wait for a thaw and another freeze." "But we can take walks in the woods; can't we?" asked Nan. "Would you like that, Dorothy?" "Indeed I would," was the answer. "Can't we come?" asked Freddie. "Flossie and I have rubber boots." "Yes, you may come for a little way," said Bert. "We won't go far.

The girl sank into a chair almost unconsciously as they talked of Madison a great city to them of the Capitol building, of the splendid campus, of the lakes and the gay sailing there in summer and ice-boating in winter, of the struggles of "rooming." "Oh, it makes me homesick!" cried the girl, with a deep sigh. "It was the happiest, sunniest time of all my life. Oh, those walks and talks!

It gave the news of her uncle's family; it told of their kindness to her; her cousin Will was going to take her and his sisters ice-boating on the river, when it froze. By the time this letter came, Lapham had gone to his business, and the mother carried it to Penelope to talk over.

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