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"Now then, let us steal forward as fast as possible, and Kala, you and Iala can remain behind, if you please." "Kala and Iala will go with you," was the prompt reply, and I marvelled at it, for the natives are dreadfully afraid of firearms when in the the hands of white men. "Now, gentlemen, let us onward, and may the God of battles give us success.

Slowly the launch forged her way through the running waters and drew nearer and nearer to the centre of Iala. There on either side stood the houses in long rows stretching up the river, and on the banks hundreds of men stood silent and as still as trees. Their canoes lay half in and half out of the water ready for instant launching. In each canoe stood its crew erect and waiting.

The man bowed, and left the room to make the hearts of the laborers happy by announcing the gift. Mr. Wright filled his glass and was about to commence his story, after wetting his lips with the punch, when Jackson suddenly entered the room. "Well?" asked Mr. Wright, with some surprise. "Kala and Iala have returned, and desire to see you immediately, sir."

As the steamer carried this scouting party against the swift current up the river toward Iala, Tamate wanted to find how far up the river the village lay. So he beckoned Iko to him. Tamate did not know a word of the dialect which Iko spoke, but he had with him an old wrinkled Papuan, who knew Iko's language, and who looked out with worshipping eyes at the great white man who was his friend.

Breakfast was smoking on the table when we descended to the first floor, and Jackson stood near the door looking quite melancholy at the prospect of our departure, while Kala and Iala ventured as near the dining room as they dared for the purpose of reminding us of our promised bottles of rum, and tobacco.

"What is the matter?" asked our host, with visible uneasiness. "They have seen footprints in the bush, sir," was the brief rejoinder. "The devil they have. Let them come in and report." And while Jackson was absent Mr. Wright remained in a thoughtful mood. Jackson was absent about five minutes, when he returned, ushering in two natives of Australia, whose names were Kala and Iala.

The message was conveyed to the natives, and Kala's eyes sparkled at the idea of gaining the promised luxuries, but Iala did not seem so enthusiastic, owing to his name not being mentioned in connection with the presents. "Tell Iala from me," I exclaimed, "that he, too, shall have a pound of tobacco and a bottle of rum like his brother if he succeeds."

There came a sharp bend in the river, and then a long straight reach of water lying between the forest-covered banks. Suddenly Iko called out, and Tamate and Mr. and Mrs. Abel peered ahead. The great trees of the river nearly met above their heads, and only a narrow strip of sky could be seen. There in the distance were the houses of Iala, close clustered on both banks of the steaming river.

We have come without weapons. We have brought with us a woman of our tribe, for we come in peace. We are strangers. But we come with great things to tell. Some day we will come again and will stay with you and will tell you all our message. To-day we come only to make friends." Then Iko closed his eyes and prayed in the language of the people of Iala.

The dogs saluted us with a mighty howl as we passed them, but a word from their master quieted their valor, and by the time we had got clear of the cattle pens our eyes were sufficiently accustomed to the darkness, and were enabled to dispense with the guidance of Kala and Iala, who gladly got at the head of the column and led the way towards the creek, which it was stated the bushrangers would have to pass.