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Fortune, at first, declared for the Englishman, who was permitted by our adventurer to win twenty broad pieces; and he was so elated with his success, as to accompany every lucky throw with a loud burst of laughter, and other savage and simple manifestations of excessive joy, exclaiming, in a tone something less sweet than the bellowing of a bull, "Now for the main, Count, odd! here they come here are the seven black stars, i'faith.

Fran. Peace, thou wicked Limb of Satan but for you, Gentlewoman, since you are so tarmagant, that your own natural Husband cannot please you, who, though I say it, am as quiet a Bed-fellow, and sleep as sweetly, for one of my years, as any in Spain I'll keep you to hard meat, i'faith. Jul. I find no fault with your sleeping, 'tis the best quality you have a-bed. Fran.

"At that rate," said the squire, "my bread is like to be rarely buttered o' both sides, i'faith. But, I hope, as by the blessing of God I have run mad, so I shall in good time grow valiant, under your honour's precept and example."

They would have turned him from his quest. Spake bold Siegfried then, "Dearest father mine, either I will think no more on women at all, or I will woo where my heart's desire is." And for all they could say, he changed not his purpose. Then said the king, "If thou wilt not yield in this, i'faith, I approve thy choice, and will further thee therein as I best can.

"Are you not married?" asked the vicar, trotting his animal again. "No," said she. "Not at all?" "I'faith! No!" "What a shame, at your age!" "You are right, sir; but you see, a poor girl who has had a child is a bad bargain."

"I'faith, man, it is possible," rejoined the king. "We were stopped on Hounslow Heath by a band of highwaymen, who carried off two large coffers filled with gold, and would have eased us of our swords and snuff-boxes but for the interposition of their captain, who, as we live, is one of the politest men breathing is he not, Rochester?"

"Yes, i'faith, he is in tribulation about you. He fancies you are in a fair way to destruction. You can't conceive what he fancies. It seems, according to his account, that you are a night-stalker. He dwells at large upon your nightly absences from home, and then about your appearance, which, to say truth, is very wretched. You scarcely look like the same man. Edgerton. Have you been sick?

And the troop, grumbling angrily, disappeared in the darkness and took the road to Paris. D'Artagnan and Planchet remained for some moments still on the defensive; then, as the noise of the horsemen became more and more distant, they sheathed their swords. "Thou seest, simpleton," said D'Artagnan to his servant, "that they wished no harm to us." "But to whom, then?" "I'faith!

"Doubtless; but I have, I think, already explained to you the difference there is between supporting and measuring." "'Tis true," answered D'Artagnan; who said afterwards to himself, "I'faith, I greatly deceive myself, or I have been the means of a good windfall to that rascal Moliere, and we shall assuredly see the scene hit off to the life in some comedy or other." Porthos smiled.

"What do we care about the neighbours? Didn't the neighbours talk when you sent Widow Wilkins to gaol? Didn't the neighbours talk when you levied on poor old Thomson? You didn't mind THEN, Mr. Hayes." "Business, ma'am, is business; and if I did distrain on Thomson, and lock up Wilkins, I think you knew about it as much as I." "I'faith, I believe you're a pair," said Mr. Wood.