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"Ah, Nina, I can see you the most charming young house-mistress I can see you receive your guests when they come for afternoon music you wear a tea-gown of brocade the color of wall-flower, with cream-colored lace you speak French, English, Italian as it is necessary for this one and that your musical reunions are known everywhere. Will madame permit the poor Estelle to be present?

Now you're fairy-talein', indeed. 'Tis old bachelor and old maid the pair of them is. I know that much if I don't know more," returned the house-mistress, reprovingly. Timothy was undisturbed and ignored her reproof, as he went on with his story: "Their child was left for them to care for.

'It's not often I have any bother with my servants, she would say, 'for they know that if there is any trouble I would just as soon clear them out and put on an apron and do the work myself. She was an accomplished house-mistress, and could bake her own bread: in towns not one woman in a thousand can bake.

For at that moment the bamboo door curtains parted to admit the small house-mistress. "You two!" she scolded with light-hearted austerity. And then to Evan: "Don't you know that we are keeping country hours here at Wartrace now? The professor will be up and calling for the car at six o'clock, and it's past midnight. Shame on you! Run away and get your beauty sleep both of you!"

When Keith Macleod was struck by the exceeding neatness and perfection of arrangement in this small house, he was in nowise the victim of any stage-effect. Gertrude White was at all times and in all seasons a precise and accurate house-mistress.

He could not be unconscious of this mute eye-questioning, and it disturbed his resolute air of composure. He hesitated, glanced towards his mother, the house-mistress, then back at the frightened folk, and gravely, before them all, made the sign of the cross.

In the kitchen, too, she made her authority felt like a regular house-mistress, but the minute that she heard her husband's voice she shrank into a respectful and timorous silence. Upon sitting down at table, the China would look at him with devoted submission, her great, round eyes fixed on him, like an owl's.

Baines was never to be left alone under any circumstances, and the convenience of being able to rely upon the presence of a staid member of the Pharmaceutical Society for six hours of a given day every week outweighed the slight affront to her prerogatives as wife and house-mistress. Mr.

That same morning Edwin had been to the Saint Luke's Covered Market to buy some apples for Maggie, who had not yet perfected the organisation necessary to a house-mistress who does not live within half a minute of a large central source of supplies. And, to his astonishment, he had observed that one of the interior shops was occupied by a second-hand bookseller with an address at Hanbridge.

"You know, of course, Tom, that I am not going back to Hurst. Miss Bruce has been most kind, but she must consider the good of the greater number, and this accident has shown more plainly than ever the necessity of having a House-Mistress who can job in the games with the girls.