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Ronny-On's Jean and Peter Scrymgeour, little Lisbeth Doak and long Sam'l from Pyotdykes were pairing that year, and never knew how near they were to being dirked by Corp of Corp, who, lurking in the burn till there were no tibbits in his toes, muttered fiercely, "Cheep one single cheep, and it will be thy hinmost, methinks!" under the impression that Methinks was a Jacobite oath.

Ay, that was afore me an' Hendry kent ane anither, an' I was as fleet on my feet in thae days as Leeby is noo. It was Sam'l Fletcher 'at was the farmer, but he maun hae been gone afore you was mair than born. Mebbe, though, ye ken 'at he was a terrible invalid, an' for the hinmost years o' his life he sat in a muckle chair nicht an' day.

Nobody can despise me for it, I tell you, mair than I despise mysel'. "I thocht to mysel', 'Let her hae her smile out, Tammas Whamond; it's her hinmost, Syne wi' shame at my cowardliness, I tried to yoke to my duty as chief elder o' the kirk, and I said to her, as thrawn as I could speak, 'Dinna thank me; I've done nothing for you.

"I elude, sir, to the unjustafiable use which has been made of my name in your Journal, where both my muccantile speclations and the HINMOST PASHSN OF MY ART have been brot forrards in a ridicklus way for the public emusemint. "What call, sir, has the public to inquire into the suckmstansies of my engagements with Miss Mary Hann Oggins, or to meddle with their rupsher?

I was only a laddie then, but I mind how that awful wind stripped a' the standing corn in the glen in less time than we've been here at the water's edge. It was called the deil's besom. My father's hinmost words to me was, 'It's time eneuch to greet, laddie, when you see the aurora borealis. I mind he was so complete ruined in an hour that he had to apply for relief frae the poor's rates.

He said, 'I prefer the sweer anes, and the more you struggle, my beauty, the better pleased I'll be. Almost his hinmost words to me was, 'I've been hearing of your Aaron, and that pleases me too! I fired up at that and telled him what I thought of him, but he said, 'If you canna abide me, what made you dance wi' me so often? and, oh, laddie, that's a question that has sung in my head since syne.

"You ken fine, Sneck," said Cruickshanks, "that you said, 'Thou art the man' to ilka ane o' them, and just voted for Mr. Dishart because he preached hinmost." "I didna say it to Mr. Urquhart, the ane that preached second," Sneck said. "That was the lad that gaed through ither."