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"Are they Hindus, too?" "Oh, no," and the adept smiled. "Two of them are German and the other is Irish." The coroner reddened a little, for the words somehow conveyed a subtle rebuke. "That is all for to-day," he said; "unless Mr. Simmonds has some questions?" and he looked at his companion.

Our Galle Face Hotel, on the very edge of the sea, with a great stretch of green lawn in front of it, is one of the finest hotels in the East, and our week of rest here was delightful. Buddhism has been one of the great missionary religions of the world. It was a reform of Hinduism. But the Hindus, with their caste system, would have none of it and drove it out.

This gem of Agra is worshiped as fervently by Hindus as by those of the Moslem faith, and Indian artists in a few years almost destroy their eyesight trying to portray in miniature upon ivory the architectural perfection and delicacy of this marvel of the world. When invading hordes have swept Central India, or alien garrisons been quartered in Agra fort, the Taj has always suffered mutilation.

She was not the only one in a hurry. And there were Hindus of all castes on all three ships. By now she had almost forgot him. There was one bright recollection to break the unending loneliness. Coming down from Hongkong to Singapore she had met at the captain's table a young man by the name of Bruce. He was a quiet, rather untalkative man, lean and sinewy, sun and wind bitten.

It is a species, or more than one, of these ugly apes that is venerated by the Hindus; and they are permitted to live without molestation in the sacred groves and temples, though they often prove most troublesome protegees to their fanatical benefactors. In Africa, the representatives of this last-mentioned tribe are found in the Colobus monkeys.

Now, pantheistic in argument and polytheistic in domestic practices as educated Hindus still are, they never call themselves pantheists, and would resent being called polytheists; they call themselves theists. "Every intelligent man is now a monotheist," writes the late Dr. John Murdoch of Madras, an experienced observer.

The emblem of the sun was fire, and hence fire was deified, especially among the Hindus, under the name of Agni, the Latin ignis. Fire, caloric, or heat in some form was, among the ancient nations, supposed to be the animus mundi. In Egypt, as we have seen, Osiris, the principal deity, was a form of Ra, the sun-god. In Assyria, Asshur, the substitute for Ra, was the supreme deity.

Brandon had heard of cords used by Malays and Hindus for assassination, and this seemed like the description which he had read of them. At one end of the cord was a piece of bronze about the size of a common marble, to which the cord was attached by a most peculiar knot.

And although some of his views require to be modified in the light of more recent enquiry, his "History of India" published in 1841 is still the standard authority from the earliest times to the establishment of the British as a territorial power. I. The Hindus India is crossed from East to West by a chain of mountains called the Vindhyas.

In 1904, we find conservative Hindus only writing to the newspapers to complain that even in the Hindu College at Benares, the metropolis of Hinduism, some of the members of the College Committee were openly violating the rules of caste. The recent denunciation of caste by an enlightened Hindu ruler, the Gaekwar of Baroda, is a further significant sign of the times.