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"He is not so harmless as you would lead one to suppose, mademoiselle," the duke retorted. "Since you have been eavesdropping, you have heard how he upset your cousin Paul's arrangements." "For that you should be thankful to him, monsieur. He has saved you the stain of a cowardly crime." "Mordieu!" Mayenne exclaimed, "who foully murdered my brother?" "The Valois." "And his henchman, St. Quentin."

I fear that his expected henchman was too cosmopolitan at times.

So Eumaeus looked about and took a settle that lay by him, where the carver was wont to sit dividing much flesh among the wooers that were feasting in the house. This seat he carried and set by the table of Telemachus over against him, and there sat down himself. And the henchman took a mess and served it him, and wheaten bread out of the basket.

Just then Dodson came bustling up, a shrewd, keen henchman of White's, and looked at Eugene curiously. "Dodson, Mr. Witla, the new advertising manager. He's going to try to help pay for all this wasteful presswork you're doing. Witla, Mr. Dodson, manager of the printing department." The two men shook hands.

If he had been an owner, like Colfax, or a practical henchman like White, he would have been perfectly safe, but being a natural-born leader, or rather organizer, he was, unless he secured control in the beginning, rather hopeless and helpless when organization was completed. Others could attend to details better than he could. Colfax came to know his men and like them.

His vote's as good as any man's and rather better, I may remark, than that of some men!" He looked pointedly at Mocket. Lewis Rand gave his henchman a second guiding glance. "It is merely," said Mocket promptly, "a question of that Alien Law of which the 'Well-born' are so proud. Show your papers, Mr. Pincornet. If you are a citizen of the United States, you have papers to show for it."

So he sat there, accidentally president, and in full charge, wondering how he should make it a great success, and Florence J. White was his henchman and sworn ally. He had made a number of changes, some radical, some conservative.

No man dared to seek him in the seclusion of that place. And when Mike Prim called him over the 'phone, after the first issue of the Signal under the new management, demanding that he should come to his office at once, Carter declined to obey the summons. This was incredible. For years he had been the henchman of Prim.

Taking leave of her new henchman, Willa crossed the Park on foot and swung down the Avenue, so intent upon her own thoughts that she all but collided with Vernon, descending the steps of his club. He appeared troubled and morose, but his brow cleared at sight of her. "Hello! May I walk a bit of the way with you?" He fell into step beside her.

There she queened it, with her General as loyal henchman, and Marshall Wace as a professor of drawing-room talents of most varied sort. Discovery of the party at the Grand Hotel, took the gilt off the gingerbread of such queenings, to a marked extent, making them look make-shifty, lamentably second-rate and cheap. Hence Henrietta's fretfulness in part.