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"Those who know, know," retorted Chaldea indifferently. "Hearne's breath was out of him before I could ask." "Why do you say that I wrote the letter?" "The tiny rye swore by his God that you did." "It is absolutely false!" "Oh, my mother, there are liars about," jeered the gypsy sceptically. "Catch you blabbing your doings on the crook, my rani, Chore mandy "

To be sure, two Hudson's Bay Company ships' crews those under Knight and Barlow had been totally lost fifty years before Hearne's tramp inland in 1771, trying to find that same mythical strait of Juan de Fuca westward of Hudson Bay.

One took one thing and one another, till at last nothing was left but the empty bag, which they permitted me to keep. At Hearne's urgent request, a few necessary articles were restored to him. From his Indian guides also the marauders took all they had except their guns, a little ammunition, and a few tools. Thus miserably equipped, Hearne and his followers set out for home.

Most of them have been satisfied with giving just what poor Hearne had gathered as, in fact, they knew nothing more, and could not, therefore, add anything. Some of them have quoted his own words, and given him the credit of his vast labour; while others have endeavoured to pass off Hearne's knowledge as their own, by giving a slightly altered paraphrase of his language.

Oxford lost in Hearne's time many of her old buildings. It is said, with a dreadful appearance of truth, that Oxford is now to lose some of the few that are left. Corpus and Merton, if they are not belied, mean to pull down the old houses opposite Merton, halls and houses consecrated to the memory of Antony Wood, and to build lecture-rooms AND HOUSES FOR MARRIED DONS on the site.

"Aha," sneered Chaldea contemptuously, "you take me for a fool, saying more than I can do. But know this, my precious angel" she fumbled in her pocket and brought out a more or less formless piece of lead "what's this, may I ask? The bullet which passed through Hearne's heart, and buried itself in a tree-trunk."

During Hearne's stay at Lake Clowey a great number of Indians entered into a combination with those of his party to travel together to the Coppermine River, with no other intent than to murder the Eskimo who frequented that river in considerable numbers.

Then, filled with the bitterness of a vain quest, Hearne turned his face towards the south to commence his long march to the settlements. Up to this point nothing had been seen of the supposed mountains of copper which formed the principal goal of Hearne's undertaking. The eagerness of the Indians had led them to hasten directly to the camp of the Eskimos regardless of all else.

This mine was at the time of Hearne's visit very poor in copper, much of the metal having already been removed. The Copper Indians set a great value on this native metal even at the present day, and prefer it to iron for almost every use except that of a hatchet, a knife, and an awl. "For these three necessary implements", writes Hearne, "copper makes but a very poor substitute."

"But you and I don't want to fight!" "Speak for yourself, brother," said Mr. Petulengro. "However, I will tell you how the matter stands. There is a point at present between us. There can be no doubt that you are the cause of Mrs. Hearne's death, innocently, you will say, but still the cause.