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And Grace Hatfield called up not ten minutes ago to say that she has just led a delegation of ladies up to your husband's office. Think of it to his office! The first day!... Well, Emelene, it is some consolation that they won't find him there." "He isn't going to the office today," said Genevieve. "But what can they want of him?" "To get him to declare for suffrage, my dear."

In the seventeenth century the land- hunger of the landlords was generally sated by schemes for draining and embanking; and vast tracts of fen and marsh, such as Hatfield Chase and Bedford Level, were thus brought under cultivation. Commerce rather than industrialism or agriculture is the distinctive feature of English economy during the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth century.

Ransome uttered a cry of horror, and galloped madly forward, to save what lives he might. Whenever he passed a house he shrieked his warning, but he never drew rein. As he galloped along his mind worked. He observed the valley widen in places, and he hoped the flying lake would spread, and so lose some of that tremendous volume and force before which he had seen Hatfield stone mill go down.

Attacks were made almost simultaneously upon the towns of Hadley, Hatfield, and Deerfield, and also upon several towns upon the Merrimac River, in the province of New Hampshire. In these conflicts, the Indians, on the whole, were decidedly the victors.

Up by three o'clock this morning, and rode to Cambridge to King's College chappel, where I found the scholars in their surplices at the service with the organs, which is a strange sight to what it used in my time to be here. 22nd. I come to Hatfield before twelve o'clock, and walked all alone to the Vineyard, which is now a very beautiful place again; and coming back I met with Mr.

Thus, I could not but conclude that Mr. Hatfield was one of those who 'bind heavy burdens, and grievous to be borne, and lay them upon men's shoulders, while they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers'; and who 'make the word of God of none effect by their traditions, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. I was well pleased to observe that the new curate resembled him, as far as I could see, in none of these particulars.

Knole, Longleat, Burleigh and Hatfield, Hardwick and Audley End, are familiar instances of a social as well as an architectural change which covered England with buildings where the thought of defence was abandoned for that of domestic comfort and refinement.

Its perfect success. Slaughter of the Indians. Burning the wigwams. Refreshment after battle. Alarm of the party. Terrible peril. Bravery of Captain Holyoke. Heroic action. Dawn of hope. Escape. Rage of the Indians. Assault upon Hatfield. Unexpected assistance. Heroism. Attack upon Hadley. A sudden appearance. Superstition. General Goffe. Old tradition. Union of forces. Phillip's strategem.

However, as Ruth carried it to the window she found a newspaper clipping tucked into one compartment, and, as it was damp, too, she took this out, unfolded it, and laid it carefully on the window sill to dry. But when she looked further, she saw inside the main compartment of the wallet a name and address stenciled, It was: JONAS HATFIELD "Sec, Helen," she said to her chum.

Cameron seemed to understand their position when he came up the walk, and asked Ruth: "So, he wants to leave; does he?" Ruth merely nodded; but Fred Hatfield scowled at the dry-goods merchant and turned away his head. "Now, young man," said Mr. Cameron, standing in front of the sullen boy, with his legs wide apart and a smile upon his ruddy face, "now, young man, let's get to the bottom of this.