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To-day she saw before her an alluring field of action; the prospect roused within her energies never incapable of responding to a spur. "My soul, 'Melia!" she exclaimed, looking about the kitchen with a dominating eye, "how I should like to git hold o' this house! I al'ays did have a hankerin' that way, an' I don't mind tellin' ye. You could change it all round complete."

He reached out a soil-stained hand, shaking already with incipient age, and laid it on David's sleeve. 'Art tha hankerin after a trade, lad? he said hastily, nay, harshly. David looked at his uncle astonished. A hundred thoughts flew through the boy's mind.

I'm hankerin' badly to see how it looks, ter judge what it'll be like when all the work's done and we've got the fixings in the books and pictures and all that. I'm envying you terrible, Rube, being there every day and watching the thing grow.

"Then take him yourself, if you can get him!" cried Lizzie. "I'm sure I don't want him!" Their eyes blazed at each other across the table, and Lizzie, having scored an unexpected point, struck again. "I think you've always had a sort of hankerin' after Ralph oh, I've seen your eyes rollin' at him." The other girl coloured hotly through her tan.

"Oh, I suppose you mean the love-child I had by him ha, ha! is that all? But I never had a hankerin' after a rebel and a Papist, which is far worser; and I now tell you you're no gentleman, you nasty old Hirish squire. You brought me here, and Sir Robert sent me here, to watch your daughter. Now, what kind of a young lady must she be as requires watching?

He was cordial enough, in a way, but he seemed ter try ter avoid folks, an' he asked me right off ter get him 'out of it. I could see he wan't hankerin' ter be made a lion of, so we got away soon's we could an' went ter his home. "You should have seen Mis' Hadley's eyes when she saw him, tall an' straight in the doorway. And Sam Sam cried like a baby, he was so proud of that boy.

A man's a right funny thing, ma'am. He's all the time hankerin' to git into some country out at the end of the world, where there ain't a woman within a thousand miles; and then as quick as he gets there, he begins to holler for some woman to come out and save his life!" She turned upon him again, smiling in spite of herself. "The boys have been mighty slow to let go of the old days," he went on.

I cannot bear to think of you wasting your life in the lonely mountains. Madge, your land will make you rich, and with your brightness you could study and learn. Education will make you an ornament to any society." She shook her head. "As fur as I can see," said she, "society ain't what it is cracked up to be. I don't seem to have no hankerin' after it.

The sky in itself! That was enough to fill one's memory to overflowing, Tucker had said. A tall, lean convict, newly released from the hospital, crossed the court at a stumbling pace and stood for a moment at his side. "I reckon you're hankerin', he remarked. "I was sent down here from the mountains, an' I hanker terrible for the sight of the old Humpback Knob."

Y'see, I got a date with a Jane to-morra an' I aint hankerin' to lose me way with no mussed map. Not on y'r tintype!" Whereupon the "Iron Man" had proceeded to demonstrate his malleability by assuring Mr. Kendrick that he was ready to agree that the sun rose in the south and made a daily trip straight north to escape the heat, if Mr. Kendrick said so.