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And if some one's tongue did slip now and then, Hank Lolly had a way of putting his head in and saying solemnly: "Guess you forgot that Mrs. Evans' boy was around when you said that." For Hank Lolly was little Billy's proud godfather and Billy's welfare was a matter that kept Hank awake nights.

"I wonder what's become of Hank," suddenly exclaimed Fred, looking beside and behind them; "the fire is nearly burned out, and he is nowhere in sight. The hail was uttered in a loud voice, and was responded to, but from a point a considerable distance out upon the prairie, in the direction of the foot-hills. The open nature of the wood permitted the boys to see quite clearly in that direction.

Hank turned white, and stared hard at the bronzed young cowboy for a moment; then he caught hold of him, and the long separated; brothers were in each other's arms. "Sure, the old folks will be happy this night, Ted, to see you again! I never hoped they'd find you when I asked Mr.

When I was about fifteen, times is right bad around the house fur a spell, and Elmira is working purty hard, and I thinks to myself: "Well, these folks has kind o' brung you up, and you ain't never done more'n Hank made you do. Mebby you orter stick to work a little more when they's a job in the shop, even if Hank don't."

"One side, boys, and let them pass! Give them plenty of room!" called Paul. He had seen that old engine booming along to a fire on many an occasion, and remembered that the driver, Hank Seeris, was inclined to be a reckless hand; for as a rule the machine was wobbling from side to side, and threatening to overturn at any minute.

Until that moment he had been running straight away from Fred, but now, of necessity, he turned partly toward him. Recalling the words of Hank Hazletine, Fred aimed at a point just back of the foreleg, as it reached forward.

Whenever I have been homesick under the sunny blue sky of Italy, it was for the most part that I longed after the rich, fresh green foliage and flowing streams of my own land; but, next to them, after our pleasant chamber in the Schopper-house, with its warm, green-tiled stove, with the figures of the Apostles, and the corner window where I had spun so many a hank of fine yarn, and which was so especially mine own although I was ever ready and glad to yield my right to it, when Herdegen required it to sit in and make love to his sweetheart.

Little Billy Evans was rattling around in the wagon box like a cork on the water and Fanny Foster, swaying like a reed, was hanging desperately to the horses' heads. Hank Lolly was pitching hay into the barn loft. He saw, jumped and then lay still with a broken leg. Seth saw and Billy Evans and scores of other men, and they all ran madly to help. But the terrified animals waited for no man.

In the meantime the whale-boat was forging through the water slowly and the noise of the seals grew louder every minute. The sun was rising, but the fog was so dense that it was barely possible to tell which was the east. "Funny kind of fog," said Colin; "seems to me it's about as wet as the water!" "Reg'lar seal fog," Hank replied.

"Look here, Hank, we'll accept your terms. Half to you if you carry it out successfully." "And if I don't?" "Then we'll all have to shift for ourselves. This part of the country will be too hot to hold us. I mean to go out West. I've got a cousin who has a ranch, and I think I could get along all right there if the worst comes to the worst."