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They styled those who had been burnt to death, coalmen; the hanged, the murdered, the drowned, the bodies that had been stabbed or crushed, excited their jeering vivacity, and their voices, which slightly trembled, stammered out comical sentences amid the shuddering silence of the hall.

"I understand your feelings, sir," answered the Vicomtesse as she courtesied. "Egad," said Nick, and looked at her again. "Egad, I'll be hanged if it's not " It was the first time I had seen the Vicomtesse in confusion. And indeed if it were confusion she recovered instantly. "You will probably be hanged, sir, if you do not mend your company," she said. "Do you not think so, Mr. Ritchie?"

You got up a wild charge against a gentleman of character and position about a murder. In the first place, you seem to forget that the real murderer has long since been punished. That miserable devil of a Malay was very properly convicted at Manilla, and hanged there. It was twenty years ago.

The two chance shots that seemed to point at Alan and the daughter of James More struck me hard; and I fled from the eldritch creature, casting her a baubee, which she continued to sit and play with under the moving shadows of the hanged. My way down the causeway of Leith Walk would have been more pleasant to me but for this encounter.

"He's willing to be hanged or damned or anything else just for the sake of putting a bullet through the other fellow!" "What was the name of the unfortunate deceased?" "Tomasso Crocedoro a barber." "That is almost a defense in itself," mused Mr. Tutt. "Anyhow, if I've got to defend Angelo for shooting Tomasso you might as well give me a short scenario of the melodrama.

McKenna arose sleepily, and walked toward the door. "Jawn," said Mr. Dooley. "Yes," responded Mr. McKenna. "Niver steal a dure-mat," said Mr. Dooley. "If ye do, ye'll be invistigated, hanged, an' maybe rayformed. Steal a bank, me boy, steal a bank." "Ye'll be goin' home early to-night, Jawn dear," said Mr. Dooley to Mr. McKenna.

They came from somewhere forward I supposed from the opposition, as I knew we had no artillery on board. The failure of our military guard made the situation somewhat grave. For two of us, at least, capture meant hanging out of hand. I had never been hanged in all my life and was not enamored of the prospect.

And lucky for them if no worse fate awaited them than to walk the dreadful plank with a bandage around the blinded eyes and a rope around the elbows. So the consort was taken, and the crew tried and hanged in chains, and Low sailed off in as pretty a bit of rage as ever a pirate fell into.

Thus we often say of a person who has met with a misfortune, 'It is good enough for him; or of a criminal who has just been condemned to suffer punishment, 'No matter; he deserves it. Or perhaps we go farther, and on finding him acquitted, say, 'He ought to have been hanged, and even hanging was too good for him.

I saw the pins which the witches were sworn to have thrust into the afflicted children, and I saw Gallows Hill, where the hapless victims of the perjury were hanged. But that death-warrant remained the most vivid color of my experience of the tragedy; I had no need to invite myself to a sense of it, and it is still like a stain of red in my memory.