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However, I am still greatly attracted to the idea, and on the morrow I mean to take advantage of suitable opportunity to address Miss Hamm upon the project with a view to enlisting her sympathies and co-operation, as no doubt I shall succeed in doing. My powers of persuasion frequently have been the subject of compliment. Finished the bottle of Great-Aunt Paulina's blood tonic this evening.

Pomeroy was announced by the maidservant. I had heard Miss Hamm refer to this person on divers preceding occasions and from the outset had taken a dislike to the sound of his name. It would appear that he resides in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, and that he knew Miss Hamm and her uncle ere their removal to these parts.

Presently, passing through a leafy lane leading back to the village, I espied at some distance in advance of me a couple walking together and apparently engaged in engrossing conversation. A second glance served to inform me that one of the pair was Miss Hamm and the other the insufferable Pomeroy.

And that is the way the little girl came to win the game. And so all through marble time they played many games, some of them very close, too, and a few even ties. However, on one occasion the game didn't turn out so well. That was the time when Fatty Hamm strolled into the yard. "Hello!" he said, and something chinked in his pockets. It sounded like marbles.

Miss Hamm, in her quaint way, spoke of the uncle as an old dear, but accused him of wasting all his money in the buying of new firearms. It would appear that no sooner does he behold an advertisement touching upon a new and improved variety of fowling piece than he is actuated by an overmastering desire to become its possessor. Strange fancy! Mr.

Madness was upon me a delicious, an all-consuming fire burned within me. I forgot that I was a guest beneath her roof, enjoying the hospitality of her beloved and revered relative. I forgot the meed of respect I owed to her, forgot the responsibilities imposed upon me. I forgot all else except that I, Roscoe T. Fibble, loved Hildegarde Hamm.

Angrily he turned, and there were Fatty Hamm and Reddy Toms, Dicky Means too, and Lizzie Fizzletree, all making faces at him and mocking him with funny gestures. Surely no teacher ever taught gestures like those. They began it all over again, reciting together.

My hand, obeying a mechanical impulse, turned the knob; pausing upon the threshold I beheld the spectacle of Miss Hamm, directing a group of our juniors in dumb-bell manipulation, all present instructor and students alike being costumed in the prescribed uniform of loose blouses and those garments technically known, I believe, as bloomers.

With him and some other friends, amongst whom was also Valentin Hamm, I often made excursions in the neighbourhood, on which occasions the Bavarian beer and the Frankish wine were wont to fly. Valentin Hamm was a grotesque individual, who entertained us often with his excellent violin playing; he had an enormous stretch on the piano, for he could reach an interval of a twelfth.

"Well, how did the game go today?" "F-f-f-fine," said Marmaduke, but his lip quivered. Then they knew there surely must be something the matter, and Marmaduke couldn't help saying, "That ole Fatty Hamm said he was playing 'for keeps, and he took away almost all our marbles." "Humph!" exclaimed Father, and Mother looked at him with an odd look.