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"She said it was 'Robin-run-in-the-'edge, and it isn't it's 'edge mustard," said Hallin, severely, holding up a little feathery stalk. Mrs. Allison shook her head, endeavouring to suit her look to the gravity of the offence. "Mother must learn her lessons better, mustn't she? Go and shake hands, little man, with Lady Tressady." Hallin went gravely to do as he was told.

Edward Hallin was his gad-fly; and he had no resource, because he loved his tormentor. Fundamentally, the two men were widely different.

They were at one in their love of Edward Hallin; and after Hallin's death, in their sore and tender wish to make his thoughts tell upon the English world. The Maxwells had now been married some five years, years of almost incredible happiness.

Upon Aldous Raeburn, Edward Hallin produced from the first a deep impression. The interests to which Hallin's mind soon became exclusively devoted such as the systematic study of English poverty, or of the relation of religion to social life, reforms of the land and of the Church overflowed upon Raeburn with a kindling and disturbing force.

Temperament and the Cambridge discipline made him a fastidious thinker and a fine scholar; his mind worked slowly, yet with a delicate precision; and his generally cold manner was the natural protection of feelings which had never yet, except in the case of his friendship with Edward Hallin, led him to much personal happiness.

Boyce, just catching the words from where she sat with her work, at the further side of the room, looked up with a double wonder wonder at Marcella's folly, wonder still more at the deference with which men like Aldous Raeburn and Hallin treated her. It was inevitable, of course youth and beauty rule the world.

The lovely lines ran dirge-like in his head, as he sat, sunk in grief, beside his friend. Hallin did not speak; but his eye took note of every change of light, of every darkening tone, as the quiet English scene with its villages, churches, and woods, withdrew itself plane by plane into the evening haze.

"It is so with me," said Hallin, smiling, as, at his gesture, Aldous laid the book aside; "yet not quite. To my mind, that mystery indeed is all unknown and dark but to the heart it seems unveiled with the heart, I see." A little later Aldous was startled to hear him say, very clearly and quickly: "Do you remember that this is the fifth of October?"

He knew that she had always felt an affection for Lord Maxwell. Suddenly Marcella looked hastily round her. Miss Hallin was busy with a little servant at the other end of the room making arrangements for supper. "Tell me," she said, bending over the arm of her chair and speaking in a low, eager voice, "he is beginning to forget it?"

He had spoken of his Cambridge years, of his friend, of the desire of his heart to make his landowner's power and position contribute something towards that new and better social order, which he too, like Hallin though more faintly and intermittently believed to be approaching. The difficulties of any really new departure were tremendous; he saw them more plainly and more anxiously than Hallin.