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Steamboat!" Some one at the freight office on Valdez dock heard him and repeated the cry. Again and again it was passed from one to another along the half-mile of high sidewalk which led from the dock to the town. Soon in every corner of the streets of Valdez there resounded the call: "Steamboat! Steamboat!" Now there came to the ears of all the low, hoarse boom of the steamer's whistle.

At first we certainly gained on him a few yards, but after that I could not near him. But Hazy put on a tremendous spurt, and left me behind for all I could do. 'Here is a go, thought I, 'and I have backed myself for a hundred pounds in a half-mile race against this beggar. Well, I was behind, but Hazy and the fox seemed to me to be joined together running, when all of a sudden pouff!

The Field Sports Committee at Wrykyn that is, at the school which stood some half-mile outside that town and took its name from it were not lavish in their expenditure as regarded the changing accommodation in the pavilion.

Their pursuers, however, still stuck to them and, after running for another half-mile, the five men were still but some thirty yards behind; while their comrades' shouts could be heard through the forests and, from time to time, the men close behind them joined in a loud quavering cry. "We must stand and rid ourselves of these fellows, Roger; or we shall have half the Welsh nation down on us."

However, expecting that the pony party was following us, we ran our teams up on to level ice, picketed them, and pitched our tent, to remain there for the night, as we had a half-mile of rock to cross to reach the hut and the sledges would have to be carried over this and the dogs led by hand in couples a very long job.

"What are you entered for?" inquired Mott, glancing at his program as he spoke. "The half-mile run." "Ever do it before?" "Once or twice." "What time did you make?" "I don't just recollect." "Never mind. You'll make a new record to-day." "That's what I want to do," replied Peter John, sublimely unconscious that he was being made sport of by the sophomore.

It wasn't the best o' walking, for logs were thick, and the grape-vines tript me some; and I had to nod and squirl for the staddles and limbs. I went, I should reckon, about three miles from where I shot and skinned the painter, and the last half-mile was clearer of logs and underwood; and let in a flash of sunshine now and then, and I thought I was coming to an opening.

The ceiling lights in the lounge then went out, the panels opened, and through the windows I saw, for a half-mile radius, the sea brightly lit by the beacon's rays. I looked to port and saw nothing but the immenseness of these tranquil waters. To starboard, a prominent bulge on the sea bottom caught my attention.

At first a narrow-gauge line, it was widened to the full five-foot standard Russian gauge after the beginning of the great war. It is a single-track road with half-mile sidings at intervals of about seven miles. At these sidings are great piles of wood for the locomotives, and at some of them are water-tanks.

Having two guesses he made the wrong one first, urging his mustang toward the canyon trail. A stumbling half-mile up the narrow cleft of the river's path revealing nothing, he began to reconsider. Drawing a second blank of the same dimensions, he turned back to the ford and tried the hill trail.