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Slowly and unwillingly he plodded across the street, and shuffled up the walk; timidly and half-heartedly he lifted the shining knocker and let it fall. Direxia Hawkes opened the door, and he passed in. "Well?" said Mrs. Weight. The deacon had not made a long stay at the opposite house.

Out of this land of ours, which I have partially and half-heartedly reclaimed from the wilderness, you should derive a comfortable livelihood, and your children after you. But I am afraid I must forego that dream and you, my son, your inheritance. It has slipped away from me.

"You are my True Love and my Kaikobád and my Man-God and my Soul-Mate! And no baby is ever going to come between me and you!" "You shouldn't say those awful things," he declared, but he did it only half-heartedly. "But I want you to sit and smoke with me, beloved, the same as you always did," I told him.

At the bottom Swan stopped her so that he might shorten the rope and take more of the weight on his shoulders. She protested half-heartedly, but Swan only laughed. "I am strong like a mule," he said. "You should see me wrestle with somebody. Clear over my head I can carry a man in my hands. This is so you can walk fast. Three miles straight down we come to Thurman's ranch, where I get the horses.

But as I made no hostile movement, and seemed disposed to be friendly, Beautiful Dog grinned half-heartedly, wagged his rope of a tail dejectedly, and advanced farther. Then he paused again, head on one side, ears forlornly flopping, and made an awkward motion with his fore paws, expressive of doubtful trust and painful inquiry. His god had been wont to choose this particular room by preference.

"She has gone off to do work-some place in the Euston Road. I've had a telegram. Oh, and I found this, Stephen." She held out to him half-heartedly the two bits of paper, one pinkish-brown, the other blue. Stephen saw that she was trembling. He took them from her, read them, and looked at her again.

The chief shrugged his shoulders impatiently. Some illuminating thought shone for an instant in Mr. Wynne's clear eyes and he nodded as if a question in his mind had been answered. "Perhaps, Chief, there may be some mistake?" he protested half-heartedly. "Perhaps this gentleman what motive would " "There's motive enough," interrupted the chief briskly.

There were tears in her eyes as she looked at him. "It's a confounded puritanical prejudice, Peggy," he said in futile protest, "and you know it." "You have not seen the letters that came for you this morning. They're on the table over there," she replied, ignoring him. He found the letters and resumed his seat in the window, glancing half-heartedly over the contents of the envelopes.

Half-heartedly he has resumed his toil, when a joyous shout is heard from the forest, of which a sun-shot patch glimmers through the cave's mouth, and there storms in, driving before him a tethered bear, a magnificent youth, clad in skins, a silver horn at his side.

"We neither of us could. It would kill her. Besides, I couldn't sneak another girl's man after the banns were up and the cake bought a girl who'd never done me any harm. I aren't so low down as all that, yet." "Anything is better than marrying without love," he said, but he said it half-heartedly.