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Updated: July 31, 2024

It was with a feeling of satisfaction that he observed several of the king's warriors among the runners, and one of these was Gunrig. Being an agile as well as a stout man, he did not consider it beneath his dignity to join in the sports. The king himself gave the signal to start.

"Well, he objected to it at first, but Gunrig is such a dangerous enemy, and his tribe so powerful, that the king has given in at last. Besides, he knows that the chief is so strong and big, and so well able to use his weapons, that none of the other chiefs are likely to venture a trial with him, or, if they do, they are sure to get the worst of it." "You don't seem to like this Gunrig, I think."

"You must remember that I am not accustomed to defeat." "True," returned the king blandly, "so now you had better take to the heavy stone and come off the victor." Gunrig at once went down into the arena and sent a challenge to Bladud. The latter had returned to his place among the spectators, but his height rendered him easy to find.

The comparative weakness of her slight and graceful frame made her at other times feel like a helpless lamb. It was an exasperating condition! When she thought of Gunrig, she wished with all her heart and soul that she had been born a big brawny man. When she thought of Bladud, nothing could make her wish to be other than a woman!

"Well, I should have to leave you, at any rate, if I stay and am compelled to marry Gunrig." "But where will you run to?" "That I will not tell, lest you should be tempted to tell lies to your father. Just be content to know that I shall not be far away, and that in good time you shall hear from me.

"If I act on that advice, I will take my warriors with me and carry my sword in my hand, so that his head would stand as good a chance of falling as mine," returned Gunrig with a laugh. "But go on with your advice, mother."

Moreover, he chanced to be not on the best of terms with Gadarn just at that time. Then the fact that Bladud had recovered his health and was actively engaged in the search not, indeed, so much for Branwen as for a youth named Cormac was also surprising as well as disagreeable news to Gunrig. "And who is this Cormac in whom the prince seems to be so interested?" he asked.

"Ha! boy he gave you some trouble, notwithstanding." "He has gone away in anger at present, however, so we will let him be till he returns for another fight." Gunrig, meanwhile, having reached his town or village, went straight to the hut in which his mother dwelt and laid his troubles before her. She was a calm, thoughtful woman, very unlike her passionate son.

"That's true," said another. Indeed, this seemed to be the opinion of most of the spectators; there was also a general expression of confidence that the stranger was sure to be victorious, but some objectors of whom there are, and necessarily must be a considerable number in the world held that Gunrig was a stout man to tackle, and it was not always length of limb that gained the day.

"Say you so?" exclaimed Gunrig; "fetch the prisoner here." The scout, who had recovered his senses by that time, was led forward, but doggedly refused to give any information. "Kindle a fire, men; we will roast him alive, and perhaps that will teach him to speak." It was by no means unusual for men in those days to use torture for the purpose of extracting information from obstinate prisoners.

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