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They had no waterproofs nor rubbers, of course; over their shoulders they wore gunnysacks simply conductors for rivers of water; some of the volume reached the ground; the rest soaked in on the way. "At last a vigorous fellow of thirty-five arrived, dry and comfortable, smoking his pipe under his big umbrella in an open donkey-cart-husband, son, and grandson of those women!

Hundreds of gunnysacks filled with sand were piled in front of the building as a protection against artillery fire. This continued for days until a barricade ten feet high and six feet thick had been erected with embrasures for cannon and a loop-holed platform for riflemen. Cannon were placed on the roof of the building where the old Monumental firebell had been installed as a tocsin of war.

He begged some vaseline from his mother and rubbed it on the sore neck. Then he got two or three empty gunnysacks out of the corncrib, crawled under the house to a warm place beside the chimney, and spread them out for a bed. He went into the house whistling; he didn't hear a word of the chapter his mother read out of the Bible. Before he went to bed in the shed-room he raised the window.

Cheerfully it went its ragged way, eating, drinking, sleeping, card-playing, rolling in the dust of its friendly wrestling. What matter that many members of the Legion were barefoot, that its horses were scarecrows, that gunnysacks and ends of wires from baled hay and bits of frazzled rope all made contribution to the saddles and bridles of the cavalry!

We got to get help in a hurry. You ride to town and rustle men. Bring out plenty of dynamite and gunnysacks. Lucky we got the tools out here we brought to build the sump holes." "Betcha! We'll need a lot o' grub, too." The cattleman nodded agreement. "And coffee. Cayn't have too much coffee. It's food and drink and helps keep the men awake." "I'll remember."

"What?" he demanded. "Wha's that?" "Jus' like I say. The oil's a-spoutin' up a hundred feet like a fan. Before mornin' the sump holes will be full and she'll be runnin' all over the prairie." "Burns sent you?" "Yep. Says for you to get men and teams and scrapers and gunnysacks and heavy timbers out there right away. Many as you can send." Crawford turned to Bob, his face aglow. "Yore job, Bob.

Sherman, always for action, seized his hat. "Come," he said, as though the Governor were a subaltern. "We'll go to Benicia. We must have a talk with General Wool." And the Governor went. But Wool, though courteous, proved obdurate. The militia remained unarmed. On Saturday, June 7, Benito found Coleman sitting at his desk in the executive chamber of Fort Gunnysacks.

The mud on the colt's side and neck had begun to dry. Billy Dime commented briefly. "He's a goner. He's froze clean to his heart. Why didn't you leave him where he was?" Collie spread the gunnysacks on a level beneath a live-oak, beneath which they dragged the colt and covered him with the blanket. They gave him whiskey with water that they heated at a little fire of brush.

"Take the horse," Crawford called to him. One good thing was that the fire was coming down the cañon. A downhill blaze moves less rapidly than one running up. Runners of flame, crawling like snakes among the brush, struck out at the fighters venomously and tried to leap the trench. The defenders flailed at these with the wet gunnysacks. The wind was stiffer now and the fury of the fire closer.

We were afraid of the lady's patriotism, and determined to be moving. There was a thick-looking wood just ahead, and to it we went with all speed, taking with us two large gunnysacks which we found in the hut. They were stamped "Utrecht" and had the name of a dealer there.